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[orbit-dev] Help! Stuck in "uses" heck in the Batik bundles


Any help will be greatly appreciated, because I think I'm lost in the OSGi details.

In the environment in which I have been working on the Batik bundles, I have had no issues with OSGi's dependency resolution.

However, in an environment that has the org.w3c.dom package contributed by Xerces as well as by the JRE (I think), OSGi fails to resolve the following packages:

  - org.apache.batik.dom.svg (in the bundle of the same name)
  - org.apache.batik.dom.util (in the org.apache.batik.dom bundle)

because of a conflict in the "uses:=org.w3c.dom" directive in the exports of the above packages.  I thought that the "uses" directive was supposed to help OSGi to create a consistent classpath because various Batik bundles import org.w3c.dom without any version range (given the uncertainty of versions out there in JREs).

I have tried the new Organize Imports support for computing "uses" directives.  All that it does is to add a bunch more packages to the "uses" and the problem actually gets worse.

The problem seems to go away when I remove these "uses" directives, but I don't know what potential ill effects *that* will have.  I don't know what the correct resolution is.

Any ideas?

I have raised to track this problem.



Christian W. Damus
Component Lead, Eclipse
IBM Rational Software

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