Hi Sharon,
Thanks for your reminder. We had a workshop last week, but ran out of time to derive from the outcomes the Program Plan.
We will prepare the plan and discuss it in our next meeting on Nov 22.
Kind regards,
Jan Dobberstein
Mercedes-Benz AG
Accident Research, Risk Assessment
71059 Sindelfingen
Tel.: (+49)-176-30931789
Fax: (+49)-711-3052131703
Mail: jan.dobberstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Seeger, Hubertus Troska, Harald Wilhelm
Dear All:
Can I please confirm that Jan is taking lead on this?
If not, we should think about a different discussion.
Dear Steering Committee Members:
I recently realised I missed requesting the OpenPASS Working Group 2025 Program Plan.
I am hopeful completing it will not be too burdensome and the Steering Committee can have it approved by December 6th for its inclusion with all working group program plans for 2025 which must be developed in accordance with the formal
Working Group Process and require Eclipse Foundation Executive Director approval. For efficiency purposes, I’m including the Approved 2024 version.
I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause due to my oversight. Thank you for understanding.
Please let me know if there are any adjustments necessary with this timeline.
Best Regards,
Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Industry Collaborations Operations
Eclipse Foundation
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