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[openMobility] Fwd: Now Available from 451 Research: Open Source & Automotive

Hello everyone, 

We thought you may be interested in reading this new report from 451 Research on the Eclipse Foundation's efforts in automotive open source, which highlights OpenADx, openMobility, openPASS and openMDM. 

Please see the report in this thread.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Eclipse Foundation <marketing@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Now Available from 451 Research: Open Source & Automotive
To: <jacob.harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The auto industry has always adopted a proprietary-first approach to building software, but things may be changing.

Hi Jacob,

We are happy to share with you "The Eclipse Foundation brings open source software to the automotive industry" published by 451 Research last month.

 In this report, you'll learn about the Eclipse Foundation's automotive working groups and how we are looking to advance the adoption of open source software in the automotive industry.

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Jacob Harris

Digital Marketing & Content Specialist | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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