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[open-regulatory-compliance] Nokia comments to the draft charter

Dear all,
First of all we’d like to express our appreciation to Eclipse stepping up and organising the open source community’s work in relation to CRA, as well as for the call earlier this week to share and discuss the latest on Eclipse Open Regulatory Compliance WG.
Understanding the WG charter is in public review (was a bit of a surprise, found out only at the call) ending May 29th we wanted to provide our comments. In this message we wanted to limit ourselves to the most pressing ones. In our view
1. The WG – and thus the charter – should focus on the work necessary in the context of the CRA. This is what we have now at hand and need to concentrate on. Additional regulation related work may be added as needed. In addition, the work should focus on open source, not try to address generic sw development and CI/CD.
2. Open Source Steward is missing from the charter. The term should be added, and the WG shall aim at definitions that would support the various ways open source communities are organized currently. More specifically, not all open source today is developed in the auspices of foundations as they are currently known. Those other current ways shall be supported going forward and whatever the definitions are they should allow for other future as of yet unknown ways without the need to change the specifications/regulation. Specifications shall attempt to not ossify open source ecosystem.
3. Clear explanation on to what the money that is collected through WG membership fees is planned to be used, and what is the justification for the proposed fee structure.
Looking forward to your thoughts and wishing all relaxing weekend.

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