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Re: [open-measured-data-wg] OpenMDM - call for feedback on future setup of the OpenMDM Working Group



at the current moment our case is not strong enough to get additional fees funded. I’m really sorry about that, but I hope that the project continues to be a success!


Regards and a nice weekend to all of you,



Von: open-measured-data-wg <open-measured-data-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> Im Auftrag von Michael Plagge
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. April 2021 11:26
An: The open MDM Working group mailing list. <open-measured-data-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [open-measured-data-wg] OpenMDM - call for feedback on future setup of the OpenMDM Working Group


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Dear all, 


this is the final reminder to provide feedback on the proposal made by the steering committee. If not done so far please provide feedback as soon as possible.


Kind regards and a nice weekend



Michael Plagge

Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

P: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 | LinkedIn


Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821

Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich


On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 2:56 PM Michael Plagge <michael.plagge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Working Group members, dear interested parties,


this is a reminder to send feedback on the below proposal by the steering committee. The deadline for the feedback is Friday, April 16th.


Thanks for your support in advance.



P.S. thanks to all who provided feedback already


On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 11:03 AM Michael Plagge <michael.plagge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Working Group members, dear interested parties,


on March 11th, the Steering Committee held a discussion on the future of the activities of the OpenMDM Working Group.

One of the problems that were discussed was the difficult financial situation of the Working Group, which in the long term endangers or even makes impossible the necessary maintenance of the results of our work in the form of concepts and open source software.


In order to ensure at least minimal cross-company coordination and quality assurance in software development, the Steering Committee plans to implement the following changes:


  • There is only one general membership in the Working Group with one vote per member in the Steering Committee and the opportunity to participate in the committees of the Working Group. A moderate annual membership fee that is the same for all participants is charged for membership.
  • With this money, a product manager and two committers from different service provider companies are to be commissioned by Eclipse. The tasks of these people is to coordinate the development and to monitor the quality of the software (e.g. through reviews of contributions, execution of merge requests, elimination of simple errors). An annual effort of approx. 36 person-days is planned for this.
  • The implementation of new functions, more extensive maintenance work and the elimination of problems that cannot be dealt with in the above budget are carried out directly by interested companies - either through their own work or by commissioning service providers. In the latter case, the integration of a contribution into the openMDM software should be part of the order.


The moderate annual fee should also help to make working group membership more attractive and to attract more participants in the long term.


In order to ensure the financing of the expected costs in the first step, the Steering Committee plans to set the membership fee at approx. € 3500 per year.

All interested parties and users of openMDM as well as members of the Working Group are asked to give a brief statement by 16.04.2021 as to whether they are under these circumstances willing to become or remain a member of the openMDM Working Group and to support the Working Group with a membership fee of 3500 € per year.



Michael Plagge

Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

P: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 | LinkedIn


Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821

Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich

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