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Re: [open-measured-data-wg] potential project in the area "docs as code"

Hallo Andy,

können wir da nächste Woche mal dazu telefonieren?

Viele Grüße,


Am Do., 1. Apr. 2021 um 14:31 Uhr schrieb Riexinger Andreas (XC/PRM-PE-ADDA) via open-measured-data-wg <open-measured-data-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Everyone,
I would like to ask you, if you are interested in a potential project dealing in the area of docs-as-code. [1]
Currently, we are thinking about open sourcing a customizable and lightweight development framework supporting process requirements from ASPICE, ISO26262. (e.g. traceability)
Are you interested in such a project and are you willed to contribute and work with us?
Highly appreciate any kind of feedback!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Andreas Riexinger

Cross-Domain Computing Solutions, Product Management and Business Development Open Source (XC/PRM-PE-ADDA)
Robert Bosch GmbH | Postfach 13 55 | 74003 Heilbronn | GERMANY |
Tel. +49 7062 911-8264 | Mobil +49 172 7258214 | Telefax +49 711 811-5111226 | Threema / Threema Work: 2U9UM5XS | Andreas.Riexinger@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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