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[nebula-dev] How to receive ok event only in CDateTime widget?

Hi all,

For some years we have used the CDateTime widget in our RCP application which works quite good. :)

However, we ran in some troubles lately: to get notion about changes the user made in the widget,  we use the databinding proposed by Henno Vermeulen (see that binds our application to a selection event in the widget.

There's an issue with that approach, however: it seems that such a selection event is triggered always on each selection inside of the widget. For instance, when the user cycles through the months in the calendar drop down or selects another day, each time a separate selection event is fired. 
This is inconvenient for us, since we need an event only when the user explicitely commits her changes by selecting the ok button (or pressing enter).

This has become crucial for us lately since we have a new use case now where a change in the widget triggers an expensive backend operation - and it is a no go when this happens each time the user changes the month in the calendar drop down ...

Is there a possibility to listen for or to bind to ok/enter events on the CDateTime widget only?


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