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Re: [nebula-dev] Pagination+Picture contol example, feature, pom Plug-Ins

Hi WIm,

Le 15 février 2012 12:53, Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Just for your information, I have created a new patch for :
I have attached a screenshot about the Pagination Control example in the Nebula demo which display list of Nebula widgets in a paginated Table. I have added some parameters too like change style of the pagination navigation bar, change the locale.

That looks great.


You are a full committer now on technology.nebula and both pagination control and picture control are approved so you can check them in. Do you need help with that? You do not need to add patches to bugs anymore. However, it is strongly advised to associate every change with a bug.

Ok. I didn't know that I had rights to push to Git. Do you know where I could find information about my password to commit to Git?
I have noticed too that there is a litlle warn in the of the oscilloscope file:

You have
output.. = bin

and it must be

output.. = target/classes

Mmm. that is the first time I see target/classes is this a RAP thing?

No, it's not RAP thing. It's maven thing. Oooops sorry it sems that it's my M2Eclipse which has changed that.
Sorry for this mistake.

I have noticed too that feature.xml contains:

and the is a warn to this project which doesn't exists (I don't know if it's OK, I have done the same thing).

This will take care of the automagic inclusion of the source bundle. 

Ok thanks for this information.

Regards Angelo



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