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[nebula-dev] [compositetable] different suggestions

>On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 15:02 -0600, David J. Orme wrote:
>> I'm leaning toward some kind of strategy pattern object for defining
>> key bindings.  CompositeTable itself would expose API for each
>> command:
>> public void executeInsert();
>> public void executeDelete();
>> ...
>if I understand you right, you have 2 strategies in mind. <snip/>

Yep, you understood me correctly.

>What about undo- and redo-support? handle it completely on the
>model-layer? Wouldn't it be nice to expose commands (new InsertCommand()
>and execute() and undo() methods in the table, that delegate to a
>command stack?

I think that undo/redo can be handled at the data binding tier.  But that's a *long* discussion.  Will you be at EclipseCon?  We could discuss this more there.

><snip/>But if I understand you right, you follow a strategy where you do not
>need any celleditor-API and that might be your advice, isn't it?

Yes.  Everything should be just a simple SWT control.

>> This makes sense too, but I believe it belongs in the row object layer
>> on top of CompositeTable.  
>that's exactly where I wanted to put it in. My idea is to have some
>delegation to a column class in the row class (isVisible(), compareTo(),
>etc.). Is there any preferred way to supply my patches, if they're
>welcome? standard bugzilla entries with [CompositeTable] subject?

There's a CompositeTable component in Bugzilla.  Select Technology project, then Nebula, then CompositeTable.

>> There is new work to provide a default Header object that uses the
>> native Table to get a native header.  
>sounds pretty exciting! I didn't like the current clabel-header (it
>lacks sufficient click-feedback) and tried to fast hack this plus
>resizing. I failed on resizing I overrode mouseOver, mouseEnter. They
>were not triggered. Anyhow, I just had a quick try to look at the
>design, code & possibilities. I used the 0.9 supplied on
> Can you point me to the cvs? I did not find any
>repository for it so far. I'd appreciate it a lot to get my hands on
>that stuff :-)

cvs host:
cvsroot: /cvsroot/technology

The first build implementing this feature landed last night (v0.9.1).  I have heard that there are issues on Linux.  My day job is on Win32 and I decided to value early feedback from the community over having everything "perfect" on all platforms before doing a release.  :-)  Also, I don't have access to MacOS, so if someone on the list does and can test there, I'd really appreciate it!


Dave Orme

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