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Re: [mylyn-intent-dev] Documentation of Intent

Hi Davy,

good question ! I completely agree that Intent should be documented with Intent, and that's why I took this example during my talk. However, when we started the project we could not use Intent: we had to wait for the first release (obvioulsy).

Now that a first candidate for Intent 0.7 has been released, we can start documenting the Intent project with Intent. It's clearly something we want to do for the reasons you gave (good example and good way to detect requirements).

But to make this retro-documentation of existing code as fast as possible, we will first have to handle the feature request you raised . This will be a great way to identify what's missing to efficiently document existing code.

I'm currently working on making Intent compatible with Juno and on an export mechanism for the Intent Document (using Twitter Bootstrap). I'll then work on your 2 feature requests, and then I can start the Intent project documentation.


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