This sounds like a great improvement. Thank you for taking the time
to do it.
On 4/12/2016 11:38 AM, Mickael Istria
Ian, all,
I'm working on improving this workflow, so that the default editor
(often the System editor chosen by OS) is shown whenever opening
an unassociated file, just like it's happening right now.
Then in the background, the IDE starts polling marketplace for a
better support, and if it finds something, there will be a popup
such as
Some editor supporting "py" files can be installed from
(x) Open Marketplace Client and show me the proposal
( ) Ignore Marketplace proposal
( ) and remember association of current editor (gedit) with
"py" files.
In case you change your mind later, you can always change this via
the <a>Preferences</a>.
What do you think about it? It's pretty close of the proposal on
the bug, except is uses a popup instead of a notification panel
(that can too easily be missed by users, as stated on comment
Ian Skerrett
VP of Marketing
Eclipse Foundation
(m) 613-240-7210
(o) 613-224-9461 ext 227
(t) @ianskerrett