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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Unable to open pwfile when using mosquitto Docker image

The important part in what you've shown is:

> /mosquitto/data # ls -la
> total 4
> d---------    1 mosquitt mosquitt        46 Mar 11 05:52 .
> drwxr-xr-x    1 mosquitt mosquitt        26 Nov 17 01:20 ..
> ---------- 1 mosquitt mosquitt 121 Mar 11 05:52 mosquitto.password_file

This shows that while the file is owned by the mosquitto user and group, neither of them have permission to read the file (this is shown by all the - chars at the start of the listing.

Have you run something like `chmod 000 mosquitto.password_file` on the host os?

You should probable run `chmod 600 mosquitto.password_file` to grant read/write permission to the file owner.


On 11/03/2022 10:11, Giles Roadnight wrote:
Many thanks for that explanation. I hadn't realised that a docker image expects certain volumes, I thought you could replace any path with any path.

Anyway, I am now running with:

sudo docker run --rm -i -p 1883:1883 -v /volume1/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config -v /volume1/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data --name mosqTemp eclipse-mosquitto:latest

but unfortunately I still get:

1646993206: mosquitto version 2.0.14 starting
1646993206: Config loaded from /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf.
1646993206: Error: Unable to open pwfile "/mosquitto/data/mosquitto.password_file". 1646993206: Error opening password file "/mosquitto/data/mosquitto.password_file".

in the container I can now see the expected file:

/mosquitto/data # pwd
/mosquitto/data # ls -la
total 4
d---------    1 mosquitt mosquitt        46 Mar 11 05:52 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 mosquitt mosquitt        26 Nov 17 01:20 ..
----------    1 mosquitt mosquitt       121 Mar 11 05:52 mosquitto.password_file

Giles Roadnight <>

On Fri, 11 Mar 2022 at 10:02, Norbert Heußer <norbert.heusser@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:norbert.heusser@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Giles,

    the mosquitto Docker container is expecting two different volumes to
    be mounted in the container (as you might be able to check using the
    "docker image inspect mosquitto:latest“ and check for Volumes)
    1. /mosquitto/config
    2. /mosquitto/data

    If you simply try to mount your local /volume1/mosquitto to the
    internal /mosquitto still the subfolders config and data will not be
    visible in the container (as they are overloaded by the docker
    engine). This is a general pattern in docker engine: All specified
    volumes have to be mounted individually. You can’t simply mount the
    folder above.

    To fix your problem you would need to mount your local data and
    config individually into the container:
    sudo docker run --rm -i -p 1883:1883 -v
    /volume1/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config  -v
    /volume1/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data  eclipse-mosquitto:latest

    Hope this helps.

    BTW: Why are there two different folder ?
    Because the folder contain two different types of data. Config
    contains seldom modified data, which contains highly sensitive data
    like usernames and password (hashes). The data folder store
    temporary data and maybe modified very often. Using two different
    folders allows to use different backend storages (e.g. different
    RAID configs).


    Am 11.03.2022 um 07:01 schrieb Giles Roadnight
    <giles.roadnight@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:giles.roadnight@xxxxxxxxx>>:

    Hi All

I am trying to get mosquitto docker to work with a password file. my run command:

    sudo docker run --rm -i -p 1883:1883
    -v/volume1/mosquitto:/mosquitto eclipse-mosquitto:latest

    my config (/volume1/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf):

    listener 1883
    password_file /mosquitto/data/mosquitto.password_file

    container file structure:

    (there are 2 copies of password at 2 different locations)

    Within the running container I can see the mqtt_passwd in
    /mosquitto/ but the mosquitto.password_file is missing from
    /mosquitto/data - I have no idea how that can happen.

    If I change my config to point to the password file at
    /mosquitto/mqtt_passwd I get the same error:

    1646978185: mosquitto version 2.0.14 starting
    1646978185: Config loaded from /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf.
    1646978185: Error: Unable to open pwfile "/mosquitto/mqtt_password".
    1646978185: Error opening password file "/mosquitto/mqtt_password".

    I am very new to docker and pretty new to linux so I am a bit
    lost. Any help much appreciated.

    Giles Roadnight <>
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-- *Norbert Heußer*
    Senior Developer | Cedalo GmbH
    Email: norbert.heusser@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:philip.ackermann@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Tel: +49 173 936 43 63

    Cedalo GmbH
    The company behind Eclipse Mosquitto and Eclipse Streamsheets <>

    Geschäftsführer: Philipp Struss, Philip Ackermann, Dr. Stefan Lölkes
    Registergericht: Amtsgericht Freiburg, HRB 725414


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