Hi @ all,
I need mqtt-function on a raspberry pi for my home-automation
system. It worked at home with a broker-installation I made a few
months ago. Since I am away from home for 3 weeks I took the raspi
with me.
I use my laptop (internat network-addr as router to
the internet and made a new install of mosquitto
(0.15-2+deb7u3ubuntu0.1 on LinuxMint 17.3 - it says „ MQTT v3.1
broker“ when I try mosquitto -v). mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub
(0.15-2+deb7u3ubuntu0.1) work, when used on the laptop. I also did a
test with „ test.mosquitto.org“ and it worked. I have only
enabled logging at debug-level in the config-file, nothing else
When I try mosquitto_sub -h -t „#“ on the RasPi
( nothing happens when I publish something from the
laptop. mosquitto_sub is version is 1.6.4. Tcpdump and wireshark (on
the laptop) show a MQTT-connect packet, but no MQTT-ack for it.
Nothing is shown in syslog on the laptop. It looks like the packet
did never reach the server-process. Of course I tried to disable the
firewall on the laptop. On the laptop netstat shows port 1883
Trying mosquitto_pub on the RasPi brings up „Error: The
connection was lost.“ Nothing in syslog on the laptop too. I also
tried another client-id, but noting different.
pi@GSM-testRasPi:~ $ mosquitto_pub -i "raspi" -h -p 1883 -t "info/room107" -m "test from
Error: The connection was lost.
I also tried the test with „ test.mosquitto.org“ on the RasPi
and it worked.
So, to me, the server seems to be OK and the client too, but they
don't work together. Why?
Any help appreciated, Karl.