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[mosquitto-dev] Regarding TLS Encryption


I have few basic questions about mosquiito broker and TLSv1.2.
1. Is it possible to use default ssl certificates available at /etc/ssl/certs/ in broker for capath ?
2. I have seen some other broker is working with MQTTFx by just enabling TLS and selecting version TLSv1.2. 
and I didn't select any certificate options in MQTTFx. Just Enabling TLS, its able to communicate to broker and connection was successful.

Any idea how this could be done ? Is this possible with mosquitto broker ?

3. Even I tried mosquitto clients to connect to that broker. It was working just i was passing " --capath /etc/ssl/certs/  " options in mosquitto clients. That third party broker was accepting connection from mosquitto clients. When I try to connect mosquitto clients same way with mosquiito broker , it doesn't work. 

I'm very eager to know the possibilities of mosquiito broker to work like third party broker ?
Any changes needed in code or only configuration changes ?

Please let me know, if you any more clarity in questions.

Thanks in advance for your valuable answers.


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