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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Retained message not delivered when subscribing to topic containing wildcard

Hello Roger,

thank you for your reply.

I haven't managed to get mosquitto-1.4.10-install-win32.exe or mosquitto-1.4.10-install-cygwin.exe running on my win 7 x64 computer because SSLEAY32.dll is reported as missing and I haven't managed to install it from

However I have tried again with mosquitto 0.15 coming with Ubuntu 14 and that does not work there either - probably because of too old version?

mosquitto_pub -p 1888 -r -m 'An,50' -t test/alex/licht

mosquitto_sub -p 1888 -t test/alex/licht

developer@vwiflabubd158:~$ mosquitto_sub -p 1888 -t test/alex/licht

developer@vwiflabubd158:~$ mosquitto_sub -p 1888 -t test/alex/*

I will try however tonight the same thing at home with my Mac, where I have adming rights and brew to install the newest mosquitto version and report results back here.


P.S. Today I have donated USD 5 to Eclipse :-)

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