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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Storing all Messages in Database - Avoiding Single Subscriber `#` Anti-pattern

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Karl Palsson <karlp@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, they are different. What I'm saying is to put three clients
> on A, B and C to each separately save to the db. Rather than one
> on B, with bridge routing to a "global node" and rather than one
> client with three subscriptions, effectively the same thing, have
> this...
> mqA -> client sub# -> db
> mqB -> client sub# -> db
> mqC -> client sub# -> db

I would love this, but this is exactly what is not possible. When mqA,
mqB and mqC are bridged, you can not just sub# to mqA ONLY. As soon as
you do that, mqB and mqC will also start sending messages over there
also (i.e. they will route their taffic via mqA which becomes


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