hi guys,
Iam developing some client handler app in c and i have some uncertainties with how mosquitto broker should work,
for test i use two ssl and two default clients like this:
default subscribe client:
mosquitto_sub -t "clihandler" -p 1883
same using tls/ssl
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 8883 -t clihandler --cafile ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/ca.crt --cert ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/client.crt --key ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/client.key
two publish clients:
mosquitto_pub -t clihandler -m "test from default client"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 8883 -d -t clihandler -m "test from ssl client" --cafile ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/ca.crt --cert ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/client.crt --key ~/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/client.key
and behavior is that when i publish with ssl publisher i got message on both tls/ssl sub and default sub client.
This is strange because i shouldn't get message on default sub client? or i am missing something?
and second is when i pub with default pub client i also get message on both tls/ssl and default client?
Is this default behavior since what is the purpose of encryption if i can only listen to topic as non ssl client and get the traffic?
i use 1.48 mosquitto broker on ubuntu 14.04 lts
my mosquitto.conf for ssl, default listener is
listener 8883
cafile /home/satos/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/ca.crt
certfile /home/satos/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/AtosVM.crt
keyfile /home/satos/Documents/enkripcija/localPKI/AtosVM.key
require_certificate true
listener 1883
thanks in advance for any suggestion