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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Current status?

Hi Christian,

MQTT-SN is definitely a target for mosquitto. As it stands, there are a few blocking things that I want to be implemented first - namely rewriting the network code with an event loop model. Once that is done, MQTT-SN should follow along shortly after. I'm planning the event loop work for version 1.6.



On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Christian Rugland <christian.rugland@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello, I was wondering about the current status of the MQTT-SN part of Eclipse Mosquitto?


As I understood the goal is to integrate the RSMB MQTT-SN supported Broker into Mosquitto?


What I’m generally interested in is when the following parts of Mosquitto will be working/available?

- MQTT-SN supported Broker

- MQTT-SN Gateway

- MQTT-SN Client

- MQTT-SN Combined Broker/Gateway


Regards Christian


Christian Rugland


+46 733 35 22 08

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PO Box 1094, SE-172 22 Sundbyberg, Sweden

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