Just an update.
I have increased the wildcard level span to 9 by combining inversion and indexing strategies. It is still very fast and retrieves all results in a single query.
To scale, it requires one or 2 more strategies to increase the cardinality of the partition keys - the 'row' in the big table model. In the current nytfabrik, we use the 0 level as an index into metadata that lets us do this, in effect moving some levels into the partition key and, sometimes, a rarely wildcarded level as a hash into a partition key shard.
For contrast, I have done the same thing using Postgres - much easier, of course, as the db does the query planning. Also fast.
But now I am thinking about how to implement these in mosquitto. They could be embedded, but maybe it would be more flexible to use something like zmq to asynchronously stream queries and responses. Then I could do my Cassandra and Postgres backends in python - others may want to do mongo or redis, etc., using their language of choice.