Sorry for not replying earlier, I've been a bit busy. I've now replied
won't remember any subscriptions when you restart.
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Marcelo Diniz <
marudiniz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm looking at MQTT for a way to reliably deliver messages between brokers
> (both directions), with message queuing when the connection goes down. From
> other threads I read this is is a covered use case, but I haven't found a
> way to configure it correctly so some guidance would be helpful.
> Scenario: server and clients run each a local MQTT broker (mosquitto).
> Brokers in the clients are configured as bridges, connecting to the server.
> Client configuration is below:
> connection bridge_123
> clientid client_123
> address localhost:1883
> topic
mosquittodemo/test both 2
> cleansession false
> The broker in the server is not configured as bridge.
> Server and clients can go offline at any time, and messages should be queued
> locally when the connection is down. Messages are sent in both directions.
> The server sends messages to a given client by publishing on a topic only
> the client is listening (not in the config above).
> I'm running a server and client on different ports to test the queuing when
> the connection is down. Then there are these two cases:
> 1. I kill the broker on the server, and continue sending messages to the
> client broker (which are queued). Then I restart the broker on the server,
> and after the bridge is reestablished the queued messages are delivered. So
> queuing works when sending messages client -> server.
> 2. I kill the broker on the client, and continue sending messages to the
> server broker (which should get queued). Then I restart the broker on the
> client. The bridge is reestablished but the old messages are not delivered.
> New messages are delivered as expected.
> So it seems the queuing is not working on the other side of the bridge, on
> the broker that was not configured as a bridge.
> Is my configuration wrong? Is this use case supported? Or is my way of
> testing (killing brokers with kill -9 to simulate a broken connection) that
> is not appropriate?
> If it matters: I'm using mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub to publish and
> subscribe to topics.
> Thank you,
> Marcelo
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