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Re: [mosquitto-dev] [paho-dev] Java MQTT broker

Hi Andrea,

thanks for your input, there certainly is a chance!

Can you summarize what functions are implemented in moquette at the moment, and what you think is left to do (in comparison to Mosquitto for instance)? Is there some documentation to look at?

It would be cool, although not essential, if each of the brokers were configured in a similar way. How is moquette configured?

Are there any developers other than you? How much time do you think you would be able to spend on maintaining and improving it, if it were in Eclipse?


Ian Craggs

On 18/01/14 11:26, Andrea Selva wrote:
Hi mosquitto list,
I'm Andrea Selva the moquette broker's developer and lately (thanks to
Kai Kreuzer) I've seen that there is a chance that the M2M is
eventually interested in accepting the moquette broker as a starting
implementation of a Paho Java broker. That, for me, sounds great!! I'm
available to discuss this topic.

Best regards

   Andrea Selva
mosquitto-dev mailing list

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