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  • Re: [modeling-pmc] Candidates for termination, (continued)
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Florian ROUËNÉ on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Florian ROUËNÉ on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer Election for Florian ROUËNÉ on Eclipse Sirius has started, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Michael Charfadi on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Michael Charfadi on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] MWE 2023 progress review, Christian Dietrich
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer Election for Michael Charfadi on Eclipse Sirius has started, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] XSD Project Restructuring, Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] Please review the material for our (upcoming) Xtext 2.30 release, Christian Dietrich
  • [modeling-pmc] OCL 6.18.0 Release Review, Ed Willink
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval Request for CDO 4.21.0, Eike Stepper
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Patrick Tessier on Eclipse Papyrus™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Papyrus 6.3.0 release material review, TESSIER Patrick
  • [modeling-pmc] ECP 1.27.0 Release, Johannes Faltermeier
  • [modeling-pmc] Project Lead election for Patrick Tessier on Eclipse Papyrus™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Release 1.14.0 of EMF Parsley, Lorenzo Bettini
  • [modeling-pmc] MWE 2.14.0 Release Review, Christian Dietrich
  • [modeling-pmc] eTrice 4.0.0 release review, Henrik Rentz-Reichert (hrr)
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse Formal Modeling Termination, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse Graphiti™ 0.19.0 Release Review, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 24155] libavoid, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 24183] Gradle Wrapper 7.5, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer election is now complete for smaoui asma on Eclipse Papyrus™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 24199] de-jcup/eclipse-asciidoc-editor/2.6.1, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Sören Domrös on Eclipse Layout Kernel™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 24175] xstream 1.4.19, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Project Lead election for Sören Domrös on Eclipse Layout Kernel™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] EMF Diffmerge 0.14.0 Release Review materials approval, DUL Philippe
  • [modeling-pmc] Amalgam 1.13.0 Release Review materials approval, DUL Philippe
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Minh Tu Ton That on Eclipse Amalgamation, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Minh Tu Ton That on Eclipse Amalgamation, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Please review material for Hawk 2.2.0, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for smaoui asma on Eclipse Papyrus™, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer Election for Minh Tu Ton That on Eclipse Amalgamation has started, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer Election for smaoui asma on Eclipse Papyrus™ has started, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse Fundamental Modeling Concepts project seems to be inactive, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Axel RICHARD on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Axel RICHARD on Eclipse Sirius, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] Committer Election for Axel RICHARD on Eclipse Sirius has started, emo
  • [modeling-pmc] EclipseCon 2022 call for proposals is open!, Cédric Brun
  • [modeling-pmc] Review Material for Edapt 1.5.0, Johannes Faltermeier
  • [modeling-pmc] Request assistance for Eclipse Layout Kernel™, Sören Domrös
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse VIATRA Progress Review - PMC engagement needed, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 23974] sqlite-jdbc, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 23973] SQLite 3.36.0, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse RMF Progress Review - PMC engagement needed, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] Epsilon 2.4 Release Review, Dimitris Kolovos
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework, EMO EMO
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 23932] Gradle Wrapper 7.4, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Short Survey About Requirements Engineering, ETEM ÇETİN TOPTANİ
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse SmartMDSD - PMC engagement needed, EMO EMO

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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