Hi Miles
There may also be an OCL dependency issue.
MDT/UML2 avoids a cyclic dependency with MDT/OCL by excluding
execution and allowing only OpaqueExpression textual representations
of OCL.
If any UML profiles get a bit clever this limitation could be a
As a separate project there would be no problem in a profiles
project having an OCL dependency if it ever needs one.
Ed Willink
On 14/05/2012 18:07, Miles Parker wrote:
Is there some reason that this can't be managed under the
existing UML2 project, esp. given that this seems to be a
matter of collecting a repository rather than active development
of functionality? To me the scope and intro seemed vague about
what exactly the project's goals and provided technologies are,
and as a naive Modeling project consumer, I'm left wondering
what the point is. That is, what if anything is actually being
engineered here?
Miles T. Parker
Senior Engineer and Product
Manager, Tasktop
Committer, Eclipse
Mylyn and Virgo
Project Lead, Model
Focussing Tools and AMP
modeling-pmc mailing list
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