As Ian mentions Eclipse Labs is quite convenient, but keep in mind that
any dependencies you create on external software will require review so
don't simply host things at Eclipse Labs and then start consuming the
results in your Eclipse projects. The other way around is of course
Ed Willink wrote:
Hi Kenn, Ed
The 'OMG' plugins would be of two forms.
a) Model definitions, e.g. OCL.uml, OCL24.oclstdlib
b) Specification generation tooling, QVTo, Acceleo scripts.
Today, I and to a lesser extent Adolfo are almost the sole contributing
participants to both Eclipse OCL and the OMG OCL RTF, so IP is not a
particular problem; the underlying specification already has a CQ.
But you're right that this is a pretty bad idea, for instance if
Mariano Belaunde, the RTF chair, needs to contribute as well as review
we get faced with the difficult corrolary that Mariano would need to
become an Eclipse OCL committer.
I guess I'll have to create another SourceForge project, or perhaps
further abuse my UMLX SourceForge project that hosts non-IP approved
example plugins.
Ed Willink
On 06/12/2010 18:14, Kenn Hussey wrote:
Where will the IP for these new projects come from? If
anything originates from activities of (members of) the RTF instead of
directly from you, you'll need to have a CQ approved before committing
those changes (since MDT OCL is a "mature" project and hence does not
qualify for the parallel IP process).
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Ed Willink
<ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OMG appear to be unable to provide a CM facility for development of its
specifications: UML is hosted at modeldriven.org and
requests for a repository for OCL have been ignored.
My OMG RTF activities that make the OCL specification model-generated
require a CM repository, so I would like to host some org.omg.ocl...
plugins at cvsroot/modeling org.eclipse.mdt/org.eclipse.ocl/omg/...
(migrating to GIT post Indigo).
As well as providing a host for OMG, it will also clearly distinguish
the 'Eclipse-independent' OMG OCL plugins from the added-value Eclipse
OCL plugins while allowing Eclipse OCL to layer on top of the OMG
Is this within project scope and acceptable?
Ed Willink
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