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[modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for vincent.lorenzo

modeling PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
vincent.lorenzo's Committer status on the modeling.mdt.papyrus project. As
a PMC member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My
Foundation portal page:

vincent.lorenzo was nominated by Yann Tanguy as follows:
Vincent has participated to the development of the CompositeStructure
diagram in Papyrus (observation).
Vincent has developped the Papyrus Profile diagram.
Vincent participates to the Palette customisation feature (extending the
palette to support additional post actions). Vincent is going to work
various usability and customization improvements in Papyrus. 

Vote summary: 11/1/0 with 2 not voting 
  +1  Jerome BENOIS
  +1  Francisco Javier Cano
   ?  David Carlson
   0  Cedric Dumoulin
  +1  Raphael Faudou
  +1  Sebastien Gerard
   ?  Etienne Juliot
  +1  Thibault Landre
  +1  Chokri Mraidha
  +1  Emilien Perico
  +1  Remi Schnekenburger
  +1  David Servat
  +1  Yann Tanguy
  +1  Patrick Tessier

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