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Re: [modeling-pmc] Builds: The never ending nightmare

That's really good news, we'll appreciate any kind of help :)

Am I right to assume that we can expect an EcoreTools promoted build to
appear in the Helios repository soon ? It's quite problematic for the
modeling package right now and time is ticking...



Le 24/02/2010 16:24, Ed Merks a écrit :
> Guys,
> As I mentioned yesterday, CDO has been converted to use Buckminster
> with Cloudsmith's help and Teneo is also in the process of doing
> that.  The Cloudsmith folks are offering to help convert a bunch of
> the projects over, starting with the projects in EMF itself, e.g., the
> core.  I'd like to see how that progresses.  Once all the subprojects
> of EMF are successful, we can look at replicating that success. The
> advantage of this approach, as I see it, is that we'll have a
> dedicated professional build organization to help us with our common
> problems going forward.  And in the longer term, we'll be able to
> easily migrate to b3 as that involves; a model-based build system!
> Cheers,
> Ed
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