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Re: [gmf-dev] Re: [modeling-pmc] Re: [m2t-dev] Xpand OCL component proposal (code migration)


surely, I should have raised this discussion earlier.

Naming the component differently is a good idea and should avoid confusion.


P.S.: As most of the discussion is not directly related to this component proposal but still interesting, I'll respond in more detail in a separate mail, which I'll send to pmc mailing list only.

On Aug 25, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Richard Gronback wrote:


See inserts below...


On 8/25/08 10:57 AM, "Sven Efftinge" <sven@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


sorry I originally wanted to write this mail before you propose the
component. Hopefully you still welcome a discussion on this.

It was my interpretation that we ended the call in agreement that a new component in M2T was the way to go. For those not interested in what is a Modeling project conversation to follow, feel free to ignore the rest of
this reply.

As said during the PMC call, I really understand your need to remove
the "Xpand variant" from GMF and I also know that it has been promised
by committers of the M2T/Xpand component to provide a working Xpand
within the ganymede release.

Right, and since there has not been a published build from Xpand since
January, very little activity in CVS, the newsgroup, and in the mailing
list, I'm inclined to request a Termination Review for this component.

It's really a painful situation having
this dialect within GMF, especially when people use the real Xpand and
the modified version shipped with GMF at once. This is the case for
all GMF users doing code generation with oAW (and AFAIK there are a
lot). Unfortunately having an "official" Xpand dialect in addition
would further worsen the situation.

I'd characterize it as unfortunate, more so than painful. Let's not forget that the original variation was produced in order to leverage LPG, as Xpand was using a non-EPL friendly ANTLR version which took a very long time to resolve in the original. IOW, waiting a year for the ANTLR update and now a year for GMF changes to be incorporated into the "real" Xpand, with a follow
up of "please wait for us to re-implement it all on a new (unproven)
underlying foundation" does not seem too appealing.

So, I see and understand your need for a solution, but I doubt that
it's a good idea to come up with yet another template language.
We already have three languages in M2T:

 - JET (the orginal solution from EMF)
- MTL (the implementation of the OMG standard, which uses OCL and Op-
 - Xpand (a practice proven solution)

This argument can be made for other Eclipse projects with overlap, and
certainly within Modeling itself (e.g. M2M: ATL and QVT). Realistically, the 3 M2T solutions we have will never merge into one, and as long as all have vibrant communities, why does it matter if there are 3? This was a challenge we realized when creating Modeling, as it was a unification of many separate projects, each with teams/communities that were unlikely to
give up their identity.

Besides that you need a template language now, because you want to get
rid of the "Xpand variant" (I fully understand that), I don't see how
an "Xpand OCL" would add any value. I think there are already
solutions for everybody: If you like standards and want to be conform
go for MTL, if you like pragmatic solutions go for Xpand, if you like
Xpath go and use JET.

We think it adds value as it eliminates an entire expression and
transformation language (Xtend, which from your previous argument should not exist in the presence of M2M QVT and ATL). By using MDT OCL and M2M QVTO, we are promoting reuse from other Modeling projects, which seems better than
continuing to develop and maintain Xtend and the expression language
currently used in Xpand. As I understand it, the only reason OCL wasn't
used in the first place was because there was no MDT OCL at the time.

The way I see it, we're providing a nice migration for Xpand and improving
its capabilities.  From the original, we now add OCL and QVTO support,
thereby allowing users to know fewer languages, and not have to deal with the minor differences that currently exist. From here, I'd expect that a future Xpand based on Xtext could also use OCL/QVTO in its implementation,
providing the next major version of the project.

So, Xpand/Xtend -> Xpand/OCL/QVTO -> Xpand/OCL/QVTO based on Xtext

Or, are you saying you reject the inclusions of standards in Xpand and see the two as mutually exclusive? I don't see the "if you like standards, use this..." argument as valid. Or if you like, we'll say "If you'd like some
standards in your Xpand, use this one."

In case you want to migrate to the real Xpand language you can do so
by the end of this year.

Based on the past and given the complete lack of visibility into how this work is progressing, how can we be sure that we will really be able to adopt the new Xpand by the end of this year? I don't have a "warm and fuzzy"
about it, to be honest.

As the current GMF generator is already implemented in Xpand it
shouldn't be too hard to migrate and to have everything working and
tested for the galileo release.

Another argument would be, if we have a migration utility that can ease the conversion of existing Xpand templates ("original" and GMF), why not use this as a path toward making Xpand more "standard"? Have you queried your clients to see if OCL would be an acceptable alternative? I suspect as OCL is used so pervasively in modeling technologies, it would be a welcomed

Note, that there is a huge user base (we've up to 70 messages a day in
our forums) and all these users will be able to use, understand and
enhance the generator shipped with GMF.

By "our forums" which do you mean?  The only ones we really should be
considering in this discussion are Eclipse forums. Again, as an Eclipse project, we all need to openly and transparently develop and interact with the Eclipse community. If you mean oAW forums, that's an old discussion we thought had been concluded with the termination of the oAW component within GMT and the migration of several technologies, Xpand included, to other Modeling projects. The health of an Eclipse project is measured by its
activity on Eclipse forums only, so you're only hurting your
project/component by continuing to use external forums.

Note that TMF/Xtext's (textual equivalent to GMF) generator is also
implemented in Xpand, and we are working on combination and
integration of GMF and Xtext editors. It will be helpful if there are
not two many different technologies for the same purposes.

And I'm sure the ATL/TCS folks would have their own opinion and similar set
of technologies.

All in all I'ld like to see GMF migrating to M2T/Xpand. We can of
course talk about opening up Xpand so that it would be possible to use Operational-QVT functions like Xtend functions (that really would be a
good thing!).

Again, the past indicates that "opening up" is not something the Xpand team takes too seriously, or has not enough development bandwidth to properly
support.  On the other hand, we've been using Xpand for years in GMF,
provided valuable input and the implementation to improve the original, but
have been largely ignored.  What would you do?

But it's not possible for us to just change the expression language to
OCL, because this heavily breaks API contracts.
(Don't you also have API contracts in GMF? AFAIK the current modified
Xpand shipped with GMF uses the original expression language. Doesn't
the OCL migration mean that all the templates of the users will be

As was already stated, we will provide a migration utility. The codebase itself is within internal packages, so there are no API breakage issues (we know better than to expose as API a technology that for all intents and purposes shouldn't be in GMF anyway). That said, we currently support UML2 Tools and our commercial development efforts with the GMF variant, so we clearly understand the implications of this move. In the long run, how can you argue it would be better to develop and maintain a "proprietary" Xtend and expression language rather than leverage suitable and quite similar
standard-based implementations available within Modeling?

Hopefully you don't get me wrong. I definitely see your point but
coming up with an "Xpand OCL" component IMHO will definitely hurt the
acceptance of Xpand *and GMF*. And will make it more difficult to
understand and combine the different solutions.
Especially in EMP we should work on reuse and consolidation rather
than on inventing new things when there are already solutions. That
clearly means making compromises, but I'm pretty sure they are worth it.

Your "reuse and consolidation" argument doesn't make any sense to me,
actually. By leveraging OCL and QVTO, we're certainly moving toward this goal in GMF's Xpand and would like to make it more readily available to the rest of the community by moving to M2T. If you'd like, we can rename it
entirely, so as to avoid further confusion.

I'll respectfully disagree that using OCL within the context of Xpand will
hurt GMF.


On Aug 25, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Richard Gronback wrote:


As discussed on the last PMC call [1], we'd like to finally get the
variant out of GMF and into M2T where it belongs.  Given the current
migration of the current Xpand to an Xtext-based foundation, and
given the
desire to continue using Xtend and underlying expression language by
current Xpand team, we'd like to create a new 'Xpand OCL' component
in M2T.

This version of Xpand will use OCL and QVTO for the query/expression
language, and include the enhancements made to Xpand for GMF's needs
but which were never fully implemented in the original Xpand.  Also
will be a migration utility that converts the use of Xtend to OCL/
QVTO.  The
initial committers for this component will be Artem Tikhomirov
(lead) and
Alexander Shatalin (both GMF committers already).

Copying the GMF and M2T dev mailing lists to get approval for code

Copying the Modeling PMC to get PMC approval (obviously, my vote is

Copying the EMO to serve as indication that the obligatory community
announcement needs to be made for this new component.  Actually, as
it's not
really 'new' but just relocating, is this necessary? It can't hurt, I

Copying the IP team for confirmation to get clarification on what
code from one project to another will entail, from an IP perspective.
Anything?  A CQ for tracking purposes?  Maybe we could use a cartoon
moving code between projects? ;)

Copying Bjorn as the "master of process" to help identify any
the newly approved development process changes may present in this
move.  I
didn't see anything specifically on this under /dev_process, but
this topic could be the first under the "I am a PMC Member..." on [3].



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