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RE: [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT web site
Too much of a good thing isn't wonderful? :-P
Keep in mind too, that something like ATL is a language so in that sense it
is a dicrete entity and might well want to have some identifying logo no
matter how well it integrates the rest of the world. This is a complex
topic with emotions attached, so likely we need to think about all this
calmly. As a marketing director, we obviously need to pay heed to your
My comment about AJAX is that it started as an acryonym and now it's just
kind of a word. It's very odd. But such is how our industry generates
jargon like it's going out of style.
Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265 (t/l 969)
"Ian Skerrett"
ipse.org> To
Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, "'PMC
10/19/2007 01:47 members mailing list'"
PM <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'"
Please respond to <bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
<ian.skerrett@ecl "'Jean Bezivin'"
ipse.org> <Jean.Bezivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
"'PMC members mailing list'"
RE: [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT
web site
I specifically said 'components' of a project should not have logos. If I
understand correctly ATL is not a component of M2M; I might be wrong.
Project logos are fine.
I think the modeling project has the best logos in the Eclipse ecosystem.
It is just you have too many. I am not sure how many components there are
in the modeling project but if they all had their own identity I am sure
they would look nice but have absolutely no meaning to the outside world.
Btw, this has nothing to do if the logo is Eclipse related or not. IMO,
logos are used to create identify for a solution. I guess the question for
you is what solution are you trying to communicate?
Btw, I am not sure if I understand your comments about RAP. Ajax is spelt
with lower cases. This was officially sanctioned by the OpenAjax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Merks [mailto:merks@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 1:34 PM
> To: ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx; PMC members mailing list
> Cc: 'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'; 'Jean Bezivin'; 'PMC members mailing list';
> modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT web site
> Ian,
> I don't really agree with your take on this. We have lots of nice logos
> and
> I'd not want to give up my EMF one:
> http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/images/modeling_pos_logo_fc_med.jpg
> http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/images/emf_logo.png
> http://www.eclipse.org/gmf/images/logo_banner.png
> I'm not sure how many of the logos on the GMT page are non-Eclipse in
> nature and that would be somewhat my concern:
> http://www.eclipse.org/gmt/download/
> But I personally think the ATL logo is a very nice Eclipse-branded logo
> that helps to build up the repertoir of Eclipse bands and trademarks:
> http://www.eclipse.org/m2m/atl/resources/ATL_Logo_Text.png
> It's certainly important to have better integration between projects, I
> heard that message loud and clear at ESE and we are lacking in this area,
> but diversity also has great value and allowing folks their own space in
> which to exist seems necessary to foster that...
> Consider projects too like RAP:
> http://www.eclipse.org/rap/
> There isn't even an attempt to define what Ajax means. It's even lost
> capitalization that you'd expect from an acryonym. For example, ifRAP
> fine (http://www.eclipse.org/rap/), it seems kind of a double standard to
> say ATL is not.
> Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
> mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
> 905-413-3265 (t/l 969)
> "Ian Skerrett"
> <ian.skerrett@ecl
> ipse.org>
> Sent by: "'Jean Bezivin'"
> modeling-pmc-boun <Jean.Bezivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> ces@xxxxxxxxxxx "'PMC members mailing list'"
> <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> 10/19/2007 01:12 "'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'"
> PM
> modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Please respond to RE: [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT
> ian.skerrett@ecli web site
> pse.org; Please
> respond to
> PMC members
> mailing list
> <modeling-pmc@ecl
> ipse.org>
> What I would suggest is that the components of GMT should not have a
> logo/graphic and have a descriptive name not a nickname. I think this
> would go a long way to improving the situation. Btw, this goes for all
> the modeling sub-projects, for instance http://www.eclipse.org/m2m/atl/
> Having all these different logos in my opinion conveys a perception that
> there is no strategy or integration between the components or the
> projects.
> My 2 cents?.
> Ian
> From: jbezivin@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:jbezivin@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jean
> Bezivin
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 12:48 PM
> To: PMC members mailing list
> Cc: ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx; Bjorn Freeman-Benson;
> modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT web site
> I agree with you.
> I also agree that we have to improve much the organization of GMT.
> For oAW matters, I will transmit these remarks to Markus Voelter.
> I will discuss with him directly next week at OOPSLA because
> he will be there.
> Bjorn, will you be at OOPSLA and if yes would it be possible
> to have a short meeting with Markus to stress the importance
> of what has been said?
> Best regards,
> Jean
> On 10/19/07, Ed Merks <merks@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ian,
> I'll draw Nick's attention to that link gone astray...
> I agree with you. As the various parts of the oAW technology are
> incorporated into the other projects, like Xpand into M2T and MWE into
> EMFT, I'll ask folks to avoid any non-Eclipse branding on the site. You
> won't find IBM/Rational branding nor Borland branding at Eclipse, so we
> ought not be to seeing anything that isn't part of Eclipse's branding.
> We'll queue up this topic for discussion at the next PMC meeting.
> It would be good to improve GMT's image as well. What are your thoughts
> on
> this Jean?
> Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
> mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
> 905-413-3265 (t/l 969)
> "Ian Skerrett"
> < ian.skerrett@ecl
> ipse.org> To
> Sent by: <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx >
> modeling-pmc-boun cc
> ces@xxxxxxxxxxx "'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'"
> < bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject
> 10/19/2007 12:06 [modeling-pmc] feedback on GMT web
> PM site
> Please respond to
> ian.skerrett@ecli
> pse.org; Please
> respond to
> PMC members
> mailing list
> <modeling-pmc@ecl
> ipse.org>
> Modeling PMC,
> Today, I was looking at the open Achitectureware project and in general
> the
> GMT project. I don?t usually provide feedback on project specific
> branding and marketing but I thought compelled to do so in this case.
> IMHO, from a branding and marketing perspective, the open
> project looks out of place in the context of the Eclipse community.
> essentially look like they have parachuted in their existing project into
> an Eclipse project web page. They actually also seem to have another
> project web site http://www.openarchitectureware.org/. I find it all
> confusing and probably detrimental to the Eclipse brand.
> If I look at the GMT site, it seems like the open architectureware
> scenario
> plays out again and again. I see lots of project logos and cool names
> that seem to have very little to do with Eclipse? The perception I am
> left
> with is that GMT is hovering up existing modeling projects but not really
> integrating them into Eclipse? I think what you are doing is creating an
> incubator for new modeling projects, which is great, but in my opinion
> what
> you are communicating is something very different and will hurt the
> perception of the overall modeling project.
> As I said, I usually don?t provide this type of feedback but in this case
> I
> just had to say something. I?d be happy to discuss further and if you
> want.
> Btw, when I went to try to find the PMC mailing list, the link on this
> page
> http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/ points to
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/emft-dev
> Ian
> Ian Skerrett
> Director of Marketing
> Eclipse Foundation
> 613-224-9461 ext. 227
> blog: ianskerrett.wordpress.com
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> __________________________________
> Jean Bézivin - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA) - University of Nantes - 2, rue
> de la Houssinière
> 44322 Nantes cedex 3 - France
> tel. +33 2 51 12 58 13 - fax. +33 2 51 12 58 12 - cell.+33 6 14 32 22 36
> - e.mail: Jean.Bezivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/lina/atl/ - Skype: jbezivin
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