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[modeling-pmc] Re: Call summary - 17 July 2007

Title: Re: Call summary - 17 July 2007
Thanks, Bjorn.  

Karl is already helping us with this.  Jean had the most trouble, and it was more of a breaking up and fading problem than echo.  Perhaps a microphone or full headset on his end is the trick.  We’ll give it another try.


On 7/18/07 8:20 PM, "Bjorn Freeman-Benson" <bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sorry about the low quality. I've forwarded your comments to Karl and Denis. In addition, some notes of my own:
  • I've found that a headset is essential to sound quality, especially the microphone - built-in computer microphones are not very good.
  • If I have trouble with an echo, I've found the mute button to be very useful - often an echo comes from someone's computer speakers being re-picked up by their microphone and then re-broadcast back over the link.

Richard Gronback wrote:
Call summary - 17 July 2007 Hello,
Apologies for the poor quality audio on today’s call.  I’ve copied Bjorn to let him know right away that we found the Asterisk Conference Call service to be largely unusable.  

Richard C. Gronback
Borland Software Corporation
+1 860 227 9215

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