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Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes


If the purpose of this exercise is to get the build infrastructure to work against the new structure, I'd suggest taking a snapshot of what's in CVS (as you've done), restructuring it based on what we think the new layout will be, and updating the build scripts, etc. to work against it. We should continue to develop and build against the current CVS structure on, and when the time comes, simply migrate the releng plug-ins from your sandbox and reorganize the project folders on


Kenn Hussey

Eclipse UML2 Project Lead
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

770 Palladium Drive
Kanata, Ontario, K2V 1C8

T: (613) 599-3980  F: (613) 599-3912

Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM

07/25/2006 04:05 PM

Kenneth Hussey/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Max Feldman <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>, PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes

Well, as I see it, we have two options...

a) start using the new cvs
b) keep using the old cvs

if (a) - there'd be no need to synch back, but you'd also not get your changes built until after the releng changes were working
if (b) - we'd have to merge the changes over into the new cvs once the releng was ready, but you'd be able to publish builds as we go using the old builder on emf.torolab, and the current cvs on dev.eclipse

I suppose it depends on:
 * how urgent the changes are - that is, how urgent they need to be published in new builds,
 * if you want them to be part of MDT or part of the current projects then later MDT as well, and
 * your comfort level with assisting me in the synch back step if we choose (b).

The other thing to consider is that I'm only looking at moving files around and working on the releng piece. I'm not planning to refactor anything (should I be?) to a new namespace like org.eclipse.mdt.whatnot, so I shouldn't be changing anything in the actual plugin code, just the folders in which it resides and the releng stuff to support those moves.

Once UML2, XSD, OCL and EODM are repositioned in /cvsroot/modeling/mdt/releng and /cvsroot/modeling/commons/releng (or something like that), and we have working builds again, THEN we can perform the code synch/merge (either a straight copy, an rsync, or some manual, labour-intesive diff thing (?)), test out the builds still work, and launch into any refactoring still to be done.

Does that sound like a reasonable approach? Which scenario, (a) or (b) - or another as yet unknown idea, (c) - sounds like the best solution for you?


Nick Boldt :: Software Developer, IBM Toronto Lab
Eclipse Modeling Framework ::
905/413/4308 (t/l 969) :: codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:33 PM
To: Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
cc: Max Feldman <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>, PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Kenneth Hussey/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Subject: Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes


Changes to XSD, UML2, OCL, and EODM are pending creation of the MDT project, so I'm not sure whether/when/how to proceed... How to propose to keep these copies in sync which changes that happen on

Kenn Hussey

Eclipse UML2 Project Lead
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

770 Palladium Drive
Kanata, Ontario, K2V 1C8

T: (613) 599-3980  F: (613) 599-3912

Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
07/24/2006 08:21 PM

Please respond to
PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx, Max Feldman <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>, PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes


I've created a clone of the CVS repos that I think are all moving to
Modeling - if I missed anyone, apologies. Let me know and I'll copy you
over too.

Here's the details:

Rich: you should be able to access this new cvs repo via eclipse as
rgronback@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/cvsroot/modeling, but I'll need your IP address
first. Anyone else who wants/needs access, just ask and I'll give you an ID
in exchange for an IP address.

The next step, I suppose, is to completely break the current projects (in
this new CVS) and then get them building on the new infra. Any thoughts as
to who'd like to go first? I'll need to work closely with someone (Max?) to
determine what changes are safe to make, what your current builder does,
and what functionality needs to be preserved
immediately/sequentially/eventually (short-/medium-/long-term).

For example... if you need automated JUnit UI testing,
does NOT yet do that, so we'd have to comment out or disable those tests in
order to get the rest working. It also only builds for Linux - if you need
to build Win32 fragments, that will also have to wait. However, once the
build works with the new infra, adding pieces to it shouldn't be too
painful, especially since we already have working code in the old (current)

If you're not comfortable jumping in just yet, I can use EMF and/or UML2 as
the guinea pig to start. That might take a couple weeks, but will hopefully
yield a single builder for all EMFT/EMF/UML2 (currently it's more like

Anyway, I'm open to your votes & suggestions here.


Nick Boldt :: Software Developer, IBM Toronto Lab
Eclipse Modeling Framework ::
905/413/4308 (t/l 969) :: codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx

             Richard Gronback                                              
   >                                              To
             Sent by:                  PMC members mailing list            
             modeling-pmc-boun         <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>          
             ces@xxxxxxxxxxx                                            cc
                                       Max Feldman                        
             24/07/2006 04:53          <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>          
             PM                                                    Subject
                                       Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure  
             Please respond to                                            
                PMC members                                                
               mailing list                                                

Hi Nick,

This sounds like a reasonable approach to developing our "uber builder,"
I'm sure Max will be interested in working with you on it so we can close
this bug:


On 7/24/06 3:38 PM, "Nick Boldt" <codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Rich, Max, everyone:
> In order to speed up the time required to get the stuff* in CVS munged
> a shape that everyone's happy with, and not require extra support from
> Denis & Matt as far as permissions, would everyone agree that one quick
> solution would be to set up a CVS repo on and begin the
> migration work there?
> That server is a vserver running Fedora Core 4, and I've got root access
> we can do anything we want on it.
> I can create /cvsroot/modeling and on the box and into it put copies of
> what's on dev.eclipse. I'll set up userids for anyone who needs 'em,
> ought to be the same as your ids for accessing (for
> simplicity). Currently, SSH access is restricted to allowing users to
> connect only FROM, but if you have static IP addresses
> want to connect directly (which you'd need to access its cvs repo), just
> let me know your IP or IP block and I'll add you to the firewall.
> An added bonus to doing things this way is that when we migrate this
> content back to dev.eclipse, we won't carry need to all the cvs history
> thus can keep the files cleaner.
> Also, is the build server for half of emft's builds (the
> ones with non-IBM committers), so we'd be able to prototype the new
> emft/emf/uml2/gmf/gef UberBuilder and run builds on the same machine
> (making debugging easier since you can see the cvs content and console
> in the same place).
> * stuff = releng builder code modified/merged +
> reorganized
> If we're in agreement, send me your usernames (and IP
> addresses) and I'll add you onto the box. If you have a different idea,
> please propose it.
> BTW, I've now got Yahoo and MSN accounts under the names nickboldt and
> nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (plus Skype: nickboldt), respectively, should anyone
> need to reach me in an IM way.
> Cheers,
> --
> Nick Boldt :: Software Developer, IBM Toronto Lab
> Eclipse Modeling Framework ::
> 905/413/4308 (t/l 969) :: codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx
> Monday, July 24, 2006 8:03 AM
> To: "PMC members mailing list" <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc: Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, <modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Feldman" <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> From: "Richard Gronback" <Richard.Gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes
> Hi All,
> I¹ve sent out a warning to the GMF dev mailing list regarding these
> changes within our project.  I think the best way to proceed is for each
> Project Lead to do similarly and manage their own migrations to the
> structure below using Foundation/Community bugzilla reports.
> This seems like the ideal time to get this done (between release cycles),
> and the sooner we do, the sooner we can work toward consolidated
> builds/reporting/etc.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> On 7/20/06 8:20 AM, "Richard Gronback" <richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Right, thanks Kenn.  What else did I miss?
>> Thanks,
>> Rich
>> On 7/20/06 7:39 AM, "Kenneth Hussey" <khussey@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Rich,
>>> I think we had decided that XSD was to be part of MDT, and OCL was to
> part
>>> of UML2, so:
>>>             -> eclipse.modeling.mdt.xsd (need new
> e.m.mdt)
>>> (ocl)  -> eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2 (ocl)
>>> Bugzilla components for MDT would initially include UML2 UML, UML2
> Codegen,
>>> UML2 OCL, and XSD (and perhaps others).
>>> /cvsroot
>>>     /modeling
>>>         /mdt (not yet provisioned)
>>>             /org.eclipse.uml2 (includes org.eclipse.uml2.uml,
>>> org.eclipse.uml2.ocl, org.eclipse.uml2.di metamodels)
>>>             /org.eclipse.xsd
>>> The plug-in names for OCL will not necessarily change until the next
> major
>>> release.
>>> /tools/xsd                    -> /modeling/mdt/xsd
>>> Cheers,
>>> Kenn Hussey
>>> Eclipse UML2 Project Lead
>>> Rational Software, IBM Software Group
>>> 770 Palladium Drive
>>> Kanata, Ontario, K2V 1C8
>>> T: (613) 599-3980  F: (613) 599-3912
>>> Richard Gronback <richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent by: modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 07/19/2006 10:10 PM
>>> Please respond to
>>> PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> To
>>> PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> cc
>>> Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Max Feldman <Max.Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Subject
>>> [modeling-pmc] Infrastructure Changes
>>> Hi All,
>>> As discussed on our last call, a number of infrastructure items need to
> be
>>> discussed/agreed to before submitting the requests to the webmaster.
>>> I've included those that are not yet proposed/approved/provisioned just
> for
>>> a more complete picture, while they will not be part of the initial
> request.
>>> When they are provisioned, I imagine they will look similar to what is
>>> below:
>>> Newsgroups:
>>>           -> eclipse.modeling.emf
>>>          -> eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2 (need new
> e.m.mdt)
>>>      -> eclipse.modeling.gmf
>>>     -> eclipse.modeling.emf (with additional
>>> *.emf.ocl, *.emf.validation, *.emf.query, *.emf.transaction, etc.?)
>>>      -> eclipse.modeling.gmt
>>>  -> eclipse.modeling.gmt.amw
>>>     -> eclipse.modeling.mddi
>>> Bugzilla:
>>> Need new 'Modeling' classification with following 'Product' migrations:
>>> Tools/EMF       -> Modeling/EMF
>>> Tools/UML2      -> Modeling/MDT (UML2 is first component)
>>> Technology/GMF  -> Modeling/GMF
>>> Technology/GMT  -> Modeling/GMT
>>> Technology/MDDi -> Modeling/MDDi
>>> CVS:
>>> /cvsroot
>>>     /modeling
>>>         /emf
>>>             /org.eclipse.emf
>>>             /..
>>>         /mdt (not yet provisioned)
>>>             /org.eclipse.uml2
>>>             /org.eclipse.emf.ocl (future org.eclipse.ocl?)
>>>             /..
>>>         /gmf
>>>             /org.eclipse.gmf
>>>         /gmt
>>>             /org.eclipse.gmt
>>>             /..
>>>         /mddi
>>>             /org.eclipse.mddi
>>>         /m2m (not yet provisioned)
>>>             /org.eclipse.qvt
>>>             /..
>>>         /m2t (not yet provisioned)
>>>             /org.eclipse.jet
>>>             /org.eclipse.xpand ?
>>>             /..
>>> Download site:
>>> /technology/gmf     -> /modeling/gmf
>>> /tools/emf          -> /modeling/emf
>>> /tools/uml2         -> /modeling/mdt/uml2
>>> /technology/gmt     -> /modeling/gmt
>>> /technology/mddi    -> /modeling/mddi
>>> /technology/emft    -> /modeling/emf/..
>>> Mailing lists:
>>> No changes required.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rich
> --
> Richard C. Gronback
> Borland Software Corporation
> richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx
> +1 860 227 9215
> _______________________________________________
> modeling-pmc mailing list
> modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx

Richard C. Gronback
Borland Software Corporation
+1 860 227 9215

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