I can create one or more PR(s) to fix
the simple points mentioned above soon.
Please go ahead to create PR(s) to demonstrate what you are trying to achieve.
The Maven setup might need some
discussions before it makes sense to create a PR (i.e. when
knowing at which repo).
I think using the same repo for the set up is fine as they are all related to the process. By the way, this repo is not part of Eclipse org but MicroProfile org as they are not part of specifications.
If possible, please have these ready before the technical call tomorrow so that we discuss more and reach a conclusion on how to proceed. Thank you Jan!
Thank you Emily for leaving this open
for a moment.
Form my point of view there are a few
things open here, that need to be solved somehow:
I fixed the diagram issue with the
wrong email address with a BPNM diagram and a SVG export of it as
a draft (I used https://demo.bpmn.io/ for this) - and introduced a
new typo.
Emily fixed it with PR #124 in the
source BPMN diagram - but the export was not updated, so it
remains in the output document.
There are some issues left in the
process diagram, like I makes no sense to me closing the
(challenge/appeal) issue before the related work is done - it
should be closed when it's done.
Some cosmetic thing is, the document
does not use clean AsciiDoc, it uses he Markdown compatibility
notation instead - that should be cleaned up (simple change).
More general, the AsciiDoc setup is not
made yet, that prevents issues like the one above with generating
the final document diagram from the source automatically. A
solution might be to have a proper Maven structure and
configuration to achieve this. When there is more than one
document, than a multi module setup could help maintaining the
version in Maven too. Another option would be separate repos per
While pushing things forward is a very
good thing and the ballot forces WG members to review (including
me ;-) ), on my opinion releasing something that has known issues
that prevent proper usage (category error), is not helpful at all.
A solution might be release this as a draft only, which gives some
time to even improve the quality of the MP TCK process.
But on the other hand, the ballot comes
to the end now - which might formally require a new version if the
majority wants to keep it as it is.
Not mentioned in detail here, but in the new issue (thanks again,
Emily) will focus on, there are some (legal) issues found at
Jakarta EE currently, which are waiting for EF input and might
affect us here too, because we are based our process on that
source. Here these JEE issues occur during our MP ballot.
I the future, requiring one component
spec to follow the process (as draft) in detail to prove it is
working well on all aspects (before releasing a final version)
could help out on this (the same pattern like we do with the
spec/API and at minimum one implementation fulfilling the TCK
requirements successfully).
The question is now, how to proceed at
I can create one or more PR(s) to fix
the simple points mentioned above soon.
The Maven setup might need some
discussions before it makes sense to create a PR (i.e. when
knowing at which repo).
The derived legal issues will take some
time (but not too long, as they need to be solved within Jakarta
EE soon to some degree).
All these changes would need a short
review because they change the ballot base - usually this is
solved from the formal aspect by requiring a restart of the ballot
What are your thoughts on this?
Best, Jan
PS: Additionally we should consider to
give feedback to the Jakarta TCK Process too...
Am 17.02.22 um 10:57 schrieb Emily
Jiang via microprofile-wg:
Thank Jan for spotting the email address typo! I have
reviewed and merged your PR. In order to address Ed's and your
suggestions regarding improving the tck process, I have opened
this issue so that we can discuss
further for our 2nd version. The important bit is to get the
first version out of the door so that we have something to
rely on.
I will leave this ballot open for one more day so that you
can all take a look at the doc again with the typos and
formats fixed. I will conclude this ballot tomorrow
(super-majority +1 received) unless I hear otherwise.
Thank you all for your review and support on this matter!
Additionally, following Ed's concerns I think we
should wait for the results of the ongoing discussions
in Jakarta EE which might affect us in MicroProfile too.
Even when there are significant differences as we
have one version and one namespace for all relevant
artefacts (spec document, API, TCK) of a component spec
and they all stored in Maven already.
I think we need some of the results (including open
legal questions) to have a final version here - and we
have the time to do it.
Of course, an update could solve this aspect in the
future too...
But the wrong email address need to be fixed at least
now on my opinion.
Does anybody has the source of that file, which can
be edited?
Otherwise I can offer to redraw it using BPMN and
convert it to SVG to be included (but editable in the
Best, Jan
Am 15.02.22 um 20:54 schrieb Ed Bratt:
+1 (Oracle)
For the next review/update of this process, I'd like
to make the following observations:
Packaging requirements: Jakarta EE is
struggling with the requirement that forcing the
ancillary (supporting documentation, guides, coverage,
and assertion documents) into the TCK binary is
problematic for publication to central repositories
such as Maven central. We are currently working on an
effort to update the packaging aspect of these
requirements. MicroProfile may want to consider
updates along these lines itself, or perhaps wait
until after Jakarta EE determines what changes it will
allow and then follow suit.
Test changes in Service Releases
The very final clause of the document (that service
releases '... may have test changes...') might be
considered for update in a future revision
In the past, we tried to adhere to the rule -- Once a
test is formally adopted, it cannot change -- If the
Spec. dev. team receives a challenge and it feels that
a specific test must remain but the test must be
altered, we allowed that an Alternative test
could be provided in the TCK. If an alternative is
offered the vendor could choose to run the original
test, or the alternative test and they are considered
equivalent for the purposes of compatibility
verification. The goal was existing tests cannot be
changed in anything less than a minor release.
Successfully challenged tests may be excluded OR, they
may remain and either the original or the alternative
may be chosen by the vendor.
Alternative tests were rarely utilized. The decision
to provide an alternative test or simply exclude that
test would be at the discretion of the Spec.
development group. Allowing a general assertion like
this seems difficult to manage, in my opinion. I would
discourage groups from attempting to change the TCK
tests themselves in service releases.
Thank you,
-- Ed Bratt
On 2/9/2022 3:10 PM, Emily Jiang via
microprofile-wg wrote:
As agreed on yesterday's MicroProfile Technical
call, I have now merged the PR of MicroProfile TCK
Process from David and myself. The TCK process can
be viewed from here.
To approve and ratify the MicroProfile TCK
Process, the Steering Committee Representatives'
vote is requested. Please respond with +1
(positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject). Any
feedback that you can provide to support your vote
will be appreciated.
According to MicroProfile
Specification Process, This ballot runs for
seven days and ends on February 16th. The ballot
requires a Super-majority positive vote of the
Steering Committee members. There is no veto.
Community input and Community votes are welcomed.
However, only the votes delivered by Steering
Committee Representatives will be counted.
Emily Jiang on behalf of MicroProfile Steering