Hello -
We have good news from the Jakarta EE Steering Committee for
Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, and collaboration across these
As part of its CY2021 planning and budgeting process, the Jakarta
EE Steering Committee passed the following resolution unanimously
during its meeting on November 17:
WHEREAS, the Jakarta EE Steering Committee believes the
successful launch and broad participation of all the Jakarta EE
Strategic Members in the MicroProfile Working Group is
beneficial to both the shorter-term and longer-term viability
and success of Jakarta EE working group; and
WHEREAS, each of the Jakarta EE Strategic Members has indicated
an intention to join, or has already joined, the MicroProfile
Working Group by no later than the renewal date of their 2021
renewal; therefore
RESOLVED, provided that all Jakarta EE Strategic Members join
the MicroProfile Working Group no later than the renewal date of
their 2021 renewal, the Jakarta EE Steering Committee agrees to
allocate up to $110,000 of Jakarta EE 2021 budget to cover the
2021 MicroProfile Working Group fees of each of the Jakarta EE
Strategic members, and requests the Eclipse Management
Organization to take such actions as make this effective; and
RESOLVED, that any new member that joins Jakarta EE as a
Strategic member up and until December 31, 2021, shall have
their 2021 participation fees in MicroProfile Working Group,
assuming they join, be covered by their 2021 Jakarta EE Working
Group participation fees.
IBM, Red Hat and Tomitribe are already members of both the
Jakarta EE Working Group and the MicroProfile Working Group. By
this resolution, the remaining strategic members of the Jakarta EE
Working Group - Fujitsu, Oracle and Payara - are all indicating
their intention to join the MicroProfile Working Group as well.
This decision represents a unanimous endorsement for the joint
success of both the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile initiatives, with
collaboration, common membership and funding across them. With
Jakarta EE 9 delivery imminent, and the strong statement of
support for the newly formed MicroProfile Working Group, we're
poised to accomplish great things for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile
in 2021.