Some of you may already know this, but I plan to start a FWLOA (Flexible Work Leave of Absence) on Dec 01. I will be cutting back to three days per week (Tues, Wed, and Thur) with Mondays and Fridays off. Just to alleviate the first question that comes to mind -- this is not health related. This is to cut back on work responsibilities in order to spend more time with my wife and family, and pursue a few other interests.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your view), the days selected to work will continue to allow me to work on my two favorite open-source projects -- Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. Since my involvement with these communities was supposed to be only part of my IBM job in the past, I'm just scrunching those part-time activities into three days per week. My previous other job responsibilities at IBM are being divided up to allow this time off. So, my focus going forward during this FWLOA will be with the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Working Groups and their associated projects.
I am off all of next week for Thanksgiving (I have to use my vacation sometime this year...). And, then this part-time schedule kicks in the following week. I thought I would just give you a heads up on this change of schedule. Hopefully, you won't notice much, if any, difference on my participation levels going forward. If you do experience any concerns, please feel free to reach out to me so that I might be able to adjust or accommodate. Thanks!
-- Kevin