---------- Forwarded message ----------
David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:21 AM
Subject: [eclipse.org-planning-council] Notes from 9/2 meeting
To: "eclipse.org-planning-council" <
Please check my notes from today's meeting:
Especially make sure I captured your comments on "possible improvements"
correctly, and feel free to correct or even elaborate on them (briefly,
such as a few sentences, or to add some bugzilla links).
Also, please check I noted the 'volunteers' correctly! :)
(And, no, Oliver, I didn't volunteer you :) But feel free to pick that
item again if you'd like ... or pick another if you want variety).
Thanks everyone for joining it. It was a great discussion that I think we
can turn into action for a better Helios release.
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