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[mdt.dev] Re: Fw: [eclipse.org-planning-council] Finally, Bjorn runs the David-o-matic software for Europa
AFAIK, EMF (the project, not the component) and MDT are committed. M2T is
not, but JET is.
UML2 Tools missed the actual date for M4, but since the David-o-matic was
run a month late, we made the cut. I have to assume the same will be true
for M5 and M6 - if we just add new components into the EMF project, they'll
just be new EMF components (both Christian's components from GMF in
Callisto and the new ones - CDO, Net4J, Teneo). I'm not 100% sure here, but
that's what's implied by the table here, listing only projects (with the
exception of EMFT):
Paul: I'd contact Bjorn and ask if you cand switch from JET to M2T, which
would therefore imply you could include JET Editor too.
Nick Boldt :: Release Engineer, IBM Toronto Lab
Eclipse Modeling :: http://www.eclipse.org/modeling
02/06/07 08:56 Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Kenneth Hussey/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA,
mdt.dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Paul
emft-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Eike Stepper
<stepper@xxxxxxxxxx>, Martin Taal
<mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joel
Cheuoua <jcheuoua@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Fw:
Finally, Bjorn runs the
David-o-matic software for Europa
(Document link: Nick Boldt)
I'm not sure if it's too late to add the additional EMFT components. I
suspect it's too late because they weren't listed for M4 and whether to add
them really depends on these folks (I've CC'd them) being willing to commit
to following all the Europa rules. If we start dropping these things to
Europa now (Nick, please check if that it's okay!) and that causes any
problems, I'm sure I'll personally be on the hook to answer all the
Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265 (t/l 969)
02/05/2007 05:46 Kenneth Hussey/Ottawa/IBM
PM cc
mdt.dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Ed
Merks/Toronto/IBM, Paul
Re: Fw:
Finally, Bjorn runs the
David-o-matic software for Europa
(Document link: Ed Merks)
1. OCL is now in features-mdt-ocl.xml; I've copied its jars from the old
/technology site over to /modeling/, and updated the site-interim.xml.
features-emft.xml no longer contains OCL.
2. UML2 is now in features-mdt-uml2.xml; UML2 jars are already in the new
place, but site-interim.xml needed to be updated. features-uml2.xml
3. EMF is now in features-emf-emf.xml; jars are already in the new place.
features-emf.xml renamed. (MDT XSD is included here.)
4. UML2 Tools, JET, and EODM look fine in MDT, EMFT, and EMFT
(respectively). Query, Validation, and Transaction are all in
features-emft.xml and appear fine.
5. Teneo, CDO, Net4J and JET Editor do not contribute to Europa. Should
Nick Boldt :: Release Engineer, IBM Toronto Lab
Eclipse Modeling :: http://www.eclipse.org/modeling
02/05/07 09:28 Nick Boldt/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Fw: [eclipse.org-planning-council]
Finally, Bjorn runs the
David-o-matic software for Europa
I thought you had put everything in place for MDT? If not, how can I do it?
Kenn Hussey
Senior Software Developer
Rational Software, IBM Software Group
770 Palladium Drive
Kanata, Ontario, K2V 1C8
T: (613) 599-3980 F: (613) 599-3912
----- Forwarded by Kenneth Hussey/Ottawa/IBM on 02/05/2007 09:27 AM -----
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02/05/2007 02:32 Finally, Bjorn runs the
AM David-o-matic software for Europa
Please respond to
Europa Project Leads and Release Engineers,
I've finally run the David-o-matic software for Europa M4.
The initial build FAILED. The results are here:
Please check your own projects and fix the issues.
Unfortunately, I'm also having trouble with the JVM randomly SIGSEGVing so
some of the projects are not getting complete builds (Platform and Corona
are the current victims). Perhaps it's this jvm bug. I will try the older
JVM 1.5.0_05 to see if the bug goes away.
For your edification, here are a few of the reasons the various projects
are failing:
BIRT - specifies com.lowagie.itext version
"1.4.6.v20061212-0842283342-3422" but their site.xml has version
"1.4.6.v20061212------084228344A" instead. (and there are other
version problems for the other features)
Buckminster - has not entered their feature information...
Corona - has not entered their feature information...
DLTK - has not entered their feature information...
DSDP-TM - the features file specifies a feature if "org.eclipse.rse"
but the interim/site.xml does not contain a feature with that id.
DTP - the site.xml has a feature but it's id is
"org.eclipse.datatools.sdk.feature" whereas the features-dtp.xml
specifies the id as "org.eclipse.datatools.sdk".
ECF - has not entered their feature information...
Platform - features-ep.xml specifies a version identifier of
"3.3.0.v20061114-0800-87cMN7UcTc-JRPJ.jar" - it shouldn't have the
EMF - features-emf.xml specifies a version identifier of
"2.2.1.v200702010000" but the site-interim.xml has a version of
EMFT-JET - features-emft.xml specifies a version identifier of
"0.7.100.v200612211022" but the site-interim.xml has a version of
GEF - features-gef.xml specifies a version identifier of
"3.3.0.v20061109" but this version does not exist in the site.xml
BATIK - features-batik.xml specifies a version identifier of
"1.6.0.v20060613-1220-084228285-3442" but the site.xml has
MDT - has not entered their feature information...
Eclipse Monkey - has not entered their feature information...
Mylar - has not entered their feature information...
STP - has not entered their feature information...
TPTP - this one I cannot figure out.
The update manager in the David-o-matic claims that it cannot
, which is true, that file does not exist. What I cannot figure
out is why it is even trying?
The features-tptp.xml file correctly specifies the update site
as file://${user.home}/downloads/tptp/updates/europa/site.xml
This update site has the
Perhaps the problem is that the site.xml has url=
"http://download.eclipse.org/tptp/updates" when it should be
"http://download.eclipse.org/downloads/tptp/updates" ? Or maybe
the url attribute should be just left out entirely?
1. Projects that have a feature-{project}.xml but are not building
correctly, please update the feature-{project}.xml file and/or your
update site's site.xml file.
2. Projects that have not entered their feature information should enter
their feature information.
3. I will re-run the build once a day (or more often upon request) until
it all turns green.
4. If the "non-entered" projects have not entered their information by
the end of the week, I will remove them from the build.
5. All projects should update their builds, update sites, and
features-{project}.xml files with the "end-user" and "extender"
features as per our decision to have two versions per project.
The explanation/instructions are on the wiki (copied from David's original
- Bjorn
P.S. The pack200 step also seems to be broken - I'll look into that
tomorrow. The build takes two hours on node4 and the pack200 step has been
running for hours and still isn't finished when I'm sending this email.
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