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Re: [] Papyrus Stylesheet on models

Hi Sebastien,

There is a bug in the documentation. The application of a stylesheet for a given model is done by selecting a diagram, not a model.

Here is what should be documentation (red text should be changed)
Diagram Stylesheets
You can define a particular style for a diagram.
  1. Select a diagram
  1. Go to the Style tab of the properties view
  1. Add a new "Diagram style sheet". There isn't currently any style sheet available from the diagram, so you need to create a new "Stylesheet reference". 
  1. Import stylesheet in Papyrus
  1. Browse your workspace to find your css file, and press OK. Your stylesheet is now associated to your diagram.
Model StyleSheet
Similarily to "Diagram Stylesheet" you can define a particular style for a Model.
  1. Select a diagram
  1. Go to the Style tab of the properties view
  1. Add a new "Model style sheet"
  1. Browse your workspace to find your css file, and press OK. Your stylesheet is now associated to your Model.
If you select the diagram background for example, you will be able to apply a stylesheet to the model (i.e. to all diagrams of this model). This is a convenient shortcut to associate a style to the model.

In general, elements from model explorer do not propose graphical properties. It may however be logical to associate a style to the model from the model itself (even if I am not sure what should be the case for submodels, I did not think deeply to that case)


2017-08-25 14:29 GMT+02:00 GERARD Sebastien <Sebastien.GERARD@xxxxxx>:

Dear all,


The Papyrus doc say that one can apply a stylesheet on a model by the style tab of the property view when a model is selected. A priori, this tab is not available when a model is selected into the model explorer. Is it a bug?


However, it is possible to apply a style on model selecting a graphical view. It seems to be an error, ins’t?






Sébastien Gérard

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