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Re: [] Missing Papyrus perspective and new model/project wizards in Neon nightly build


Yes, it was apparently an issue with my p2 bundle pool used by Eclipse Installer. When checking the error log in more detail, it revealed lots of bundle exceptions related to unresolved modules. 

So after removing all my different installations based on this shared bundle pool, and then removing the p2 bundle pool itself and starting all over reinstalling everything again, then the issue is no longer there.

The major confusion was probably that the issue first appeared in my Papyrus Oxygen installation yesterday (hence my heads up for M6 spin), which then was fixed when I updated my Papyrus Oxygen installation earlier today. So I assumed that the work yesterday with the M6 had made some change that actually fixed the issue I could see. 

And then when I updated my Papyrus-RT installation, which is based on the latest Papyrus Neon nightly build, and it failed with the same symptom as for Papyrus Oxygen I had yesterday, it just felt extremely strange. I then checked my separate Papyrus Neon installation, updated it to the latest build, and it then had the same issue.

Anyway, after reinstalling everything, including removing the p2 bundle pool, it now works again. Sorry for raising this personal issue of mine, and any confusion it might have caused.

/Peter Cigéhn

On 16 March 2017 at 13:43, Peter Cigéhn <peter.cigehn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I do know that nothing has changed. And no, it does not help with a new workspace. 

That is the reason why I am so puzzled that *exactly* the same issue that happened yesterday for the Oxygen nightly build (which was fixed with today's build), now happens for the Neon daily build. Especially since nothing as you say actually have changed.

I am using an Oomph setup file together with the Eclipse Installer to perform my installations of Papyrus. I can say also that the same issue pops up in the context of Papyrus-RT, so I actually have exactly the same issue for my Papyus-RT testing (which is based on the latest nightly build of Papyrus Neon). The Oomph setup file used for Papyrus-RT can be found here

Sure, it could be an issue with my p2 bundle pool for the Eclipse Installer that has gone "bananas" (since I am using a shared bundle pool for all my different Papyrus and Papyrus-RT installations).

If you say that it works for you, then I guess I need to do some more testing on my side.

/Peter Cigéhn

On 16 March 2017 at 13:28, MAGGI Benoit <Benoit.MAGGI@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Peter,


I just downloaded the latest nightly and didn’t get any perspective problem in a fresh workspace.

Did you try on a fresh workspace ?


You can check the commit on Neon here [1], you will see that pretty much nothing happened in the last week

(which is normal since we are close to Neon.3 release)



1 :



De : [] De la part de LE MENEZ Quentin
Envoyé : jeudi 16 mars 2017 13:21
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Oxygen M6 is upon us !


Hi Peter,


As Neon did not change since the 9th of March I would like to know what steps you took for this error to happen.

Perhaps in a new thread as this one doesn’t seem to reflect this problem?




De : [] De la part de Peter Cigéhn
Envoyé : jeudi 16 mars 2017 12:38
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : Re: [] Oxygen M6 is upon us !




The issue regarding the missing Papyrus perspective and new model/project wizard that could be seen in yesterdays nightly build of Papyrus Oxygen, and which have been fixed for today's nightly build, now seem to have "propagated" to the nightly build of Papyrus Neon instead. In the latest Papyrus Neon nightly build we have exactly the same issue as yesterday for the Oxygen build.


What is going on causing such an issue to "spread" from the Oxygen nightly build also to the Neon nightly build?


/Peter Cigéhn


On 15 March 2017 at 09:37, Peter Cigéhn <peter.cigehn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



Before starting the M6 spin I suggest that someone takes a look at the latest nightly build. When I updated my installation for the Papyrus Oxygen nightly build, I lost the Papyrus perspective. Even after reinstalling, I don't have any Papyrus perspective. I am not sure if this in any way is related to the Gerrit change merged late last night for issues identified in bug 510451 where lots of was not up to date.


/Peter Cigéhn


On 15 March 2017 at 09:21, LE MENEZ Quentin <Quentin.LEMENEZ@xxxxxx> wrote:

Just to clarify, the disabled jobs are those linked to the main papyrus” repository. Any other linked to the various components won’t be and I will only kill them if I need the executors. But, as I said earlier, as long as is down there won’t be any M6 spin so… enjoy ;)




De : [] De la part de LE MENEZ Quentin
Envoyé : mercredi 15 mars 2017 09:02
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [] Oxygen M6 is upon us !


Hi Everyone,


Today is M6 for Papyrus and therefore I will disable the gerrit jobs. However as is down again it might take a while again, sorry about that :/






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