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Re: [] Papyrus refactoring



The refactoring will start this afternoon. There shouldn’t be any commit on the trunk until the refactoring is complete (I will send a new mail when this is done).


The current version of the trunk has been tagged (0.9_Refactoring), in order to keep a stable version (r5827)


The final version of the architecture model has been committed in r5828 on the trunk (There were only minor changes from r5823, in layer names). The architecture layers will be mapped directly to the corresponding SVN folders. The plugins will be renamed to match their layer’s qualified name (For example, oep.diagram.common will be renamed to oep.uml.diagram.common).





De : [] De la part de LETAVERNIER Camille
Envoyé : mardi 18 octobre 2011 16:27
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Papyrus refactoring




A proposition for the new Papyrus architecture has been committed on the SVN :




Bug 359058: [Refactoring - Architecture] Identify the layers and sub-layers for the Papyrus architecture



Basically, we have tried to identify where each plug-in *should* be located, and the dependencies it *should* have (For example, the plug-in “oep.core”, located in the “infra/core” layer, currently depends on GMF, although the “infra/core” layer itself has no dependency over “infra/gmf”. This means that this plug-in needs to be refactored, in order to remove this dependency).


You can still add your comments and suggestions until Friday 21th October.


On Monday, we will block the commits on the *trunk*, and create the folders corresponding to the layers (Or a subset of the layers). The plug-ins will be moved to the SVN Folder corresponding to their layer, and renamed accordingly. Some plug-ins will be moved to the deprecated folder.


Afterward, you will be able to commit again on the trunk (This should take a few hours).


The task will then be to clean the plug-in contents, in order to match the theoretical dependencies between the layers. In the previous example, we will have to remove the dependency from oep.core to oep.commands.





De : [] De la part de LETAVERNIER Camille
Envoyé : mardi 27 septembre 2011 15:42
À :
Objet : [] Papyrus refactoring




In prevision of the next version of Papyrus (0.9.0, based on Juno), we plan to do a global refactoring of the Papyrus architecture. The base architecture is not clear anymore, and some plug-ins have become really messy. It is hard to distribute Papyrus in distinct features, as most plug-ins are inter-related.


Before doing this refactoring, we want to open the discussion to the Mailing List, so that everyone knows what’s going to happen, when, and how. So, here are the main lines :


-          Papyrus architecture :

o   Identify the different architecture layers and sub-layers

o   Associate each plug-in to a layer. This may require to split or merge some plug-ins

-          Papyrus SVN :

o   Map the svn folders to the Papyrus layers (Each folder should represent either a layer or a sub-layer)

o   Clean the svn, by moving the deprecated plug-ins and code to the deprecated folder

-          Papyrus Build :

o   Associate the main layers or sub-layers to a distributable feature


These tasks will take time, and each developer will have to be aware of the process. Here are the actual tasks :


Preparation :

-          Commit your current developments ; it will be harder when the refactoring has started

o   Add a documentation to each plug-in : we ask all developers to add a document file to their own plug-ins (Bug 359060)

o   Determine the format of the documentation file (Text file, EMF Model, is there an existing format ?)  : This should be done quickly (This week if possible). The format can be improved later on. (Bug 359061)

-          Identify the architecture layers and sub-layers (Bug 359058)

-          Associate each plug-in to the corresponding layer, and check the resulting dependencies.

o   Adjust the plug-ins contents until the dependencies match the architecture

-          Specify the maximum length of a plug-in file’s qualified name (Plug-in name + path to the file)


Actual refactoring :

-          Rename the plug-ins or packages which name is longer than the specified max length

-          Rename the folders on the SVN to match the layers and sublayers (Bug 359063)

-          Create a feature for each layer

-          Move the plug-ins to the SVN folder corresponding to their layer

-          Add the plug-ins to the feature corresponding to their layer


The preparation should take between one and two weeks. The actual refactoring will start in two weeks. Some tasks can be done quickly (Reorganization), but there are two other tasks, more complex, which will take more time : the ModelSet re-specification, and the access to the “current” model without calling the active Papyrus Editor. They will be discussed in another e-mail.



The global Bugzilla task for the whole refactoring is here :


359057: [Architecture - SVN - Build] The Papyrus architecture should be refactored


Do not hesitate to add subtasks for all refactoring-related tasks (Even for local refactorings, which only impact your own plug-ins)




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