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[mdmbl-dev] Milestone 4 (5.0.0M4)


to test the code coming with Milestone 4 - "Authorization and Authenitifcation", please check out the code from the following branches:

  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.base: delegated-roles-with-backend-connectors
  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.default: master
  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.odsadapter: delegated-roles-with-backend-connectors
  • org.eclipse.mdm.nucleus: delegated-roles-with-backend-connectors
This code brings along a change with the realm configuration. The component "org.eclipse.mdm.realms" is not used any longer. You can configure your realm now in a standardized way. In the readme file we describe how to setup and configure a file realm for local installations. You can also configure your LDAP, AD or others.
See org.eclipse.mdm.nucleus/
  • point (7) in chapter “build, deploy and configure the application”
  • chapter “configure LoginModule”

For a description see:

The passwords are checked now only against the configured realm, not any more against the (ASAM ODS compliant) data sources. The roles are still configured in the data sources.

Best regards

openMDM(R) EWG toolkit manager

mail: awittek.openMDM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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