I'm confused a bit. What's the recommend setup for a Maven-Multi-Module project, that has the following packaging types:
To be much more specific: Is it recommend to checkin .project file or let m2e create, if the developer imports existing maven projects?
My current situation:
* If the file exists, m2e seems to verify, if the m2e nature and builders are configured, if not, they're added
* If the .project file doesn't exists, its created with jdt.core.javabuilder but WITHOUT pde-Buildes --> therfore cannot compile sucessfully, because of missing plugin-dependency resolition
* for feature modules I would expect to get a .project file generated that has the following buildSpec' and natures
but got this:
In Addition, I expected to get Findbugs and Checkstyle builders configured, because both are configured in maven root pom module. Eclipse plugins are installed in MARS Eclispe IDE successfully and can be configured manually, what I would like to avoid ;)
Last but not least : Whats your recommondation for Setups such as checkstyle, jdt tasks, findbugs, formatter, save and clean up actions? We are started to setup IDE with Oomph but it seems that global configurations are overriden by project specific configurations generated by m2e.