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Re: [m2e-users] Unable to Override m2e lifecycle-mapping in Child pom.xml


many thanks for your quick reply. :-)

Am 03.05.2019 um 16:26 schrieb Matthew Piggott:
Have you tried looking at maven's combine attributes?
Indeed, I had not done so before I sent my initial mail (I wasn't even aware of the fact that these attributes existed), but I have checked your proposal now:

Unfortunately, it looks like the "combine.*" attributes do NOT work on the m2e lifecycle mapping plugin fragments - I now get the following error message in "Markers" section "Maven Problems (1 item)":

Cannot parse lifecycle mapping metadata for maven project MavenProject: our_group_id:our_artifact_id:our_version @ D:\our\path\to\the\pom.xml Cause: Unknown attribute 'combine.self' for tag 'lifecycleMappingMetadata' (position: START_TAG seen ...ding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<lifecycleMappingMetadata combine.self="override">... @2:51)

(replaced real group/artifact name/version/path name from our project by dummy names...)

My own pom.xml section now looks like the following (while the immutable read-only parent pom contains a similar section with action "ignore" in its pluginManagement section):

                    <lifecycleMappingMetadata combine.self="override">

So I assume that XML parsing for the special, "virtual" m2e lifecycle-mapping plugin does not take these special attributes into account :-(

How can we proceed from here?

Thanks a million one more time! :-)
Andreas (awl)

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