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Re: [m2e-users] m2e-wtp, war overlays and shared resources

m2e-wtp currently doesn't support artifacts generated by maven-assembly-plugin within the workspace. i.e a workspace project cannot reference a zip classifier artifact matching another workspace project. 

You basically have 2 solutions : 
- force the consumers to reference the zip file directly : either disable workspace resolution for projects consuming your zip (project > maven > disable worskpace resolution)  or delete mvn-Q-resources from your workspace. The big drawback of that approach is you'll have to execute mvn install on mvn-Q-resources everytime a file changes
- change mvn-Q-resources type to jar. Move all your web resources to src/main/resources and reference :


That solution should allow you to keep working/deploying stuff incrementally

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Thorsten Heit <thorsten.heit@xxxxxx> wrote:

I'm in the process of creating Maven builds for a few applications. These applications use Ant build scripts to create WAR and EAR files.

Initial situation:

* All source code is stored in our Subversion repository.
* Each application depends on several internal projects P1, P2, ... that all have a non-Maven-like structure.
* Most, but not all of them not only contain Java code, but also web resources (HTML, _javascript_, XSL, ...) that have to be placed directly under "/" or under "/WEB-INF" in the resulting application WAR(s).

Actual situation:

* For each internal project P that contains only Java code I have created a new Maven project mvn-P using Maven conventions and directory layout; Java code is referenced under src/main/java via svn:externals.
* For each project Q that contains both Java sources and resource files, I have created two Maven projects mvn-Q and mvn-Q-resources; as above Java code and resources are referenced via svn:externals. The mvn-Q-resources project is of type pom and uses the assembly plugin to create a zip archive containing the resources; i.e. builds an artifact named mvn-Q-resources-<version>

For one of the WAR and EAR projects I created a multi-module Maven project to build the same WAR and EAR via Maven as the legacy Ant script. The structure is basically the following:

+- app-jar
   +- mvn-p
   \- mvn-q
+- app-war
   +- app-jar
   \- mvn-q-resources
+- app-ear
   \- app-war

The app-war pom.xml contains the following:

      <!-- web resources -->


So far, this works pretty fine using command-line Maven.

The problem:

My Eclipse workspace contains all necessary projects, i.e. mvn-P, mvn-Q, mvn-Q-resources, app-main, app-jar, app-war and app-ear. In the server view I created a new instance using a locally installed Tomcat. After adding app-war to it I see all the project's jar dependencies in the view. But:
Although I can start the server and debug in the referenced dependencies, the WAR application doesn't run correctly because the referenced resources are not available, i.e. everything I added to m-war-p via overlays/overlay.

I'm using the following:

* Eclipse Mars 4.5 (Build id: I20150203-1300)
* Java EE Developer Tools 3.7.0.v201501282120
* m2e
* m2e-wtp
* Tomcat v8.0.20
* Java 7u76

Do you have any hints on how to solve this?
Do I need to change something?
Is m-assembly-p the right way to create an archive containing resources that are shared between other applications?



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