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Re: [m2e-users] m2e connector tutorials and/or development resources are lacking.

Thanks Igor. If I have any more questions I'll raise them there.

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There are two aspects of workspace project configuration. There is
static configuration, things like enabled natures, java compiler
settings and the like. Then there is dynamic behaviour, what happens
during workspace build essentially.

AbstractProjectConfigurator #configure is the place to perform static
configuration, while #getBuildParticipant is for build behaviour.

AbstractProjectConfigurator is pretty generic and does not directly
provide support for java projects. To participate in java project
configuration a configurator must implement IJavaProjectConfigurator
interface either directly or by subclassing
AbstractSourcesGenerationProjectConfigurator. IJavaProjectConfigurator
is able to participate java project build classpath configuration via
#configureRawClasspath method and Maven Dependencies classpath container
configuration via #configureClasspath method.

There are actually three ways to participate in workspace java project

The easiest by far, is to let m2e do it all. This only works for maven
plugins that use BuildContext API [1], but if you are in the position to
modify the maven plugin, this is what I generally recommend.

AbstractSourcesGenerationProjectConfigurator helps "wrap" source code
generation mojos, like ANTLR and JAXB, and make them participate in
Eclipse workspace build. This is relatively low-effort approach and in
most cases subclasses need to provide location of generated sources and
check if sources (re)generation is necessary.

Direct implementation of IJavaProjectConfigurator is the most involved
and flexible way to configure workspace java projects but I will need to
know your usecase better before I can tell if this is something you
should try to do.

Also, we try to keep m2e-users for m2e user discussions. Please use
m2e-dev if you have any further questions about m2e extension development.



On 2/5/2014, 12:45, Thomas Golden wrote:
Norman, thanks for the tips.

So in addition to simply running the Maven plugin goals (i.e. generating
sources from the relevant Android XML resources) do I also have access
to other aspects of the Eclipse workspace? For example, I need the
generated sources output folder to be marked as a source folder in the
workspace -- I assume there must be some way to do so, since connectors
like Antlr and JAXB do it, but it's not 100% clear to me which class is
responsible for that.

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Norman Cohen <nhcohen@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:nhcohen@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    As one who has recently struggled with the (lack of) m2e
    documentation to write my own connector, I feel your pain.

    As I understand it, a "connector" is simply a class
    extending org.eclipse.m2e.core.project.configurator.MojoExecutionBuildParticipant,
    which you write and hook into the m2e framework as follows:

      * You write a class

        extending org.eclipse.m2e.core.project.configurator.AbstractProjectConfigurator
        and override its getBuildParticipant method to return an
        instance of your build-participant class.
      * In plugin.xml, you use

        the org.eclipse.m2e.core.projectConfigurators extension point to
        declare your class as a project configurator and to assign a
        configurator ID to it.
      * In lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml, you use the configurator ID

        to associate the configurator to a particular Maven goal.

    The m2e Eclipse plugin registers its class
    org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder at the
    org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder at this extension
    point, so that is invoked upon Eclipse
    resource-change events.
    The method examines the lifecycle mapping to
    determine which build participants should be invoked, and in which
    order. It then iterates over these build participants and, for those
    participants that are “applicable” to the delta of the resource
    change and the kind of build (full or incremental), invokes the
    build method of the build participant. (All participants are
    applicable to a full build. A participant is applicable to an
    incremental build if the resource delta is non-null or the
    participant’s callOnEmptyDelta() method returns true.)

    That's just the tip of the iceberg, but perhaps it can get you started.

    Norman Cohen
    Cloud Platform developer tools
    Google NYC

    m2e-users mailing list
    m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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