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[m2e-users] m2e doesn't appear to be rerunning xjc on save of xsd

I've been working occasionally on a Maven app that uses CXF's XJC plugin to generate Java code from an XSD.  I'm pretty sure I've seen Eclipse regenerate the Java code when I saved the XSD, which then recompiles those classes.  This is a very good thing to happen automatically.

Recently I've noticed that this doesn't appear to be happening.  I just tested this now.  I made a relevant change to the xsd and saved it.  Eclipse went into "Building workspace", but it didn't appear to regenerate the code.  I checked the timestamp on the generated file, and it wasn't updated.  In this test case, I had also made a change in a Java class that references one of the generated types, and I was trying to reference a property that should have been there if the code was properly generated from the xsd.  If everything worked correctly, the red squigglies should have disappeared after I changed the xsd.

I believe this section of my pom is relevant:

				<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
					only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
										<execute />

In Project Properties, I inspected the Lifecycle Mapping.  In the "generate-sources" phase, it had cxf-xjc-plugin:xsdtojava, with "execute" mapping, and source "pom".

I'm on STS 2.9.2 with the latest m2e.

What am I missing?

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