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Re: [m2e-users] Can't get dependencies updated from repository
When you do 'maven->update project', do you check the checkbox for "Force update of Snapshots/releases"?
Alejandro Endo | Software Designer/Concepteur de logiciels
Miranda Technologies | Tel: (514) 333-1772 Ext: 3789
3499 Douglas-B.-Floreani, Montréal, QC H4S 2C6 Canada
Miranda Technologies is a brand of Belden Inc.
Urkens Jean-Pierre ---2012-12-19 05:44:00 AM---Hi, I recently switched to Eclipse Juno (Juno SR1 build-id: 20121004-1855) having following m2e plug
From: Urkens Jean-Pierre <Jean-Pierre.Urkens@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx" <m2e-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 2012-12-19 05:44 AM
Subject: [m2e-users] Can't get dependencies updated from repository
Sent by: <m2e-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I recently switched to Eclipse Juno (Juno SR1 build-id: 20121004-1855) having following m2e plugins:
m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse org.eclipse.m2e.feature.feature.group Eclipse.org - m2e
m2e connector for antlr org.sonatype.m2e.antlr.feature.feature.group Sonatype, Inc.
m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin org.sonatype.m2e.buildhelper.feature.feature.group Sonatype, Inc.
m2e connector for mavenarchiver pom properties org.sonatype.m2e.mavenarchiver.feature.feature.group Sonatype, Inc.
m2e-wtp - Maven Integration for WTP (Incubation) org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.feature.feature.group Eclipse.org - m2e-wtp
I got problems with my dependencies so I cleared my local repository to make sure they are all reloaded again from our repository (managed by Nexus
The problem is that I can’t get this done from within eclipse. When I try ‘Maven->Update project’ the dependencies, parent poms, build plugins,… are not retrieved from nexus and my POM file is marked red with indications of missing dependencies. However if I manualy enter ‘mvn clean install’ from my project root directory everything is retrieved from Nexus.
I even adjusted the snapshot repository in my settings.xml file as follows:
Somehow I can’t get the dependencies of my project updated within Eclipse itself.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
J.P. Urkens_______________________________________________
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