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[m2e-users] Generating OSGi manifest in maven build


I'm new to m2e and Maven in general.  I'm trying to generate an OSGi manifest file as part of my build.

Here's what I have done so far:  I configured in my POM (attached) to call the "manifest" goal of the Maven bundle plugin, and associated it with the "process-classes" phase.  It seems to work when I manually build the project; it would create a proper OSGi manifest in the target/classes/META-INF folder for me.

The problem is that it is only working when auto-build is turned off.  When auto-build is on, there seems to be some other process that always overwrites the manifest file with a version that has almost no content at all.  Does anyone have some idea why it is behaving this way?

By the way, when the m2e build runs, what phase/goal is it actually calling?



Attachment: pom.xml
Description: Binary data

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