I seem to be using 1.0. Whatever came with Indigo.
Using 1.1 adds the generated sources (I have several) to the class path?
-K The target/generated-sources/xjc folder is added as a source folder. This ofcourse triggers compilation of the generated code and makes it available in your own java code.
Are you using m2e 1.1 ? Did you do a 'maven/update project' after you added the maven-jaxb2--plugin to your pom?
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Kathryn Huxtable <kathryn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hmmm. That is what I'm using. Is the class path adjusted to include the generated sources, because that's my issue.
-K I prefer this maven plugin version: <groupId>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2</groupId>
<version>0.8.1</version> because they've got the lifecycle mapping included in the maven plugin. So you don't need an extra m2e connector.
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