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[m2e-users] Best way to mavenize non-maven Eclipse Java project? Problems converting old m2e projects to new ones.
I had a Java Project in Eclipse that was initially not set up as a Maven
project. However, I always wanted to Mavenize it, and took some steps,
such as putting source in src/main/java, resources in
src/main/resources, etc.
Now I wanted to Mavenize it. What was the way? I tried copying a bunch
of stuff from existing Maven projects but I was getting uneven results
in achieving expected behavior. Eventually, I discovered
Configure-->Convert To Maven Project
Problem solved. Nice improvement.
However, Along the way, I discovered that some of my previous Maven
projects were not behaving right in Eclipse. Changes weren't
immediately sparking builds as they had before. I discovered that these
projects, too, were offering me the choice of converting them to maven
projects. I trace this back to last week when I installed the latest
version of m2e (
I tried converting the projects.
In all cases, m2e ADDED new elements to the .project and .classpath
files, analogous to previous elements. For example, in .project:
and in .classpath:
<classpathentry kind="con"
<classpathentry kind="con"
It was pretty easy to figure out that the org.eclipse.m2e entries were
the new ones and the org.maven.ide ones were the old ones and remove
them. Not sure if these were doing any harm, but it seems to me that
the conversion process should have been smart enough to remove them for me.
More serious, however, one problem I can't solve:
Two projects with this plugin
no longer work in Eclipse, failing with this error.
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:2.2.5:wsdl2java (execution:
generate-sources, phase: generate-sources) ... Maven Project Build
Lifecycle Mapping Problem
This was not a problem with the older m2e.
How do I fix this?