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[m2e-users] Adding New Modules to a Multi-Module Project with Subclipse

First, some technical information:
Eclipse - 3.6.1
Maven Integration for Eclipse - 0.10.2
Maven SCM handler for Subclipse - 0.12.0
Subclipse - 1.6.16

My maven project is built as such (hopefully a clear illustration)
    | pom.xml
        | pom.xml
        | pom.xml

The process I'm doing is as such:

1. Go to the SVN Repository perspective, browse to the parent project, right-click and choose "Check out as Maven project...".
2. Select all modules in the parent (including the parent), not touching any other parameters, and Finish.
3. Switch back to the Java perspective, open /project/pom.xml
4. In the Modules section (Overview tab), click the "New module project" button to add a new module. Check 'create a simple project', give the project a name, and Finish.
5. After the project is added to the workspace, right-click the new project -> Team -> Share Project. In SVN, make sure the location of the new project is under the /parent project.
6. Add the property of svn:ignore to the project with the usual eclipse files and dirs (target, .project, .settings and so on).
7. Commit the changes to the SVN.
8. Run Team->Update to HEAD on the parent project.

When I do that, I get the following error:
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add directory '/home/ronr/workspaces/SP3/parent/test': a versioned directory of the same name already exists

Obviously, it exists. I created it. I inserted it into the SVN. What am I doing wrong here?

Also, in an attempt to make things right, I've taken the following steps:
1. Deleted the new project from my workspace (only the new module), including the files from the disk.
2. Switched back to the SVN Repository perspective. Did the 'Checkout as Maven project' on the parent again. This time it lets me pick only the project that's not in the workspace already (i.e. the new project). I pick it, click Finish. Import is done.
3. Switch back to the Java perspective. When I look at the project's properties, I see that its location is at /home/ronr/workspaces/SP3/maven.1295366556109/test.

As you can see from the previous error, the newly created project was originally created at the correct place and now it's not. Just to clear, all other projects imported the same way from the parent are gladly resting in the workspace main directory.

Again, what am I doing wrong? How should I solve these issues?


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