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[m2e-users] 401, Authentication is required


I am not able to download artifacts from my repository using m2e,
everything works using mvn command.

my setup:

- repository is up-to-date Artifactory 2.3.1 with user/password required
behind SSL using Apache
- repository is on RHEL server

- that repository is also configured as a mirror

- client machine is Ubuntu Linux 10.4
- Sun java - build 1.6.0_22-b04
- eclipse - Helios SR1 - buildĀ 20100917-0705 (all updates until now)
- cmdline maven 3.0 (works)
- m2e

There was discussion about index downloading - it works - it tries
anonymous access twice and then uses user/password third time
so decryption of passwords works.

But then it tries to download artifact ... again 3 times ... all times without user/password.
It leaves just a file under .m2/repository with ".lastUpdated" extension
in which it saves last message, which ends with "401, Authentication is required".

I have tried many combinations: clear text passwords, encrypted passwords, passwords
in url like this: https://login:password@servername/
result is the same.

Ivo Panacek

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